
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Not Where...But WHEN Has The Worst Drivers?

Every now and again a "news" item will show up with the newest survey proclaiming this group or that group as the best and/or worst drivers in the country. Personally, I think these surveys are a way to get people to click on their sites. I'm not a person who studies surveys or one who participates in them, so I cannot speak to the validity of their findings, but for a person on the outside looking in, here's how they go:

Survey headline: Utah drivers are the worst drivers in the nation!

People read that which generates the typical responses. Here's how they go:

Response: I agree! I'm from California and I now live in Utah and Utah drivers ARE the worst!

Or, you get: I disagree! I lived in California for 3 months and they are MUCH worse than Utah drivers.

Then people pile on with either AGREE nor DISAGREE takes. The real questions is, do these surveys and expected responses helpful at all? Or are they a way to get people to click on their site and get in arguments about what is right and what isn't?

I don't have any answers for those questions. I have opinions, of course, but no hard and fast answers. And one of my opinions on driving is this--it's not necessarily where people live that make them bad drivers (major blanket statement coming...), but it's when people drive makes a bigger difference in the driving habits.

I got my drivers license in 1982. Since then I've driven mostly in Utah, a little in Colorado and in Europe. I've shared the road with friendly drivers, jerk drivers, considerate drivers, clueless drivers. And, I must admit, I've been guilty of being every one of those drivers before, less you think I'm putting my driving skills above all others.

I've noticed that the least aware drivers are on the road during non-drive by times. Now, I know I'm being judgemental, but it just seems the drivers are not paying as much attention as others. I do have another theory--a sub-theory--that many of the drivers on the road between 9am and 3pm have a lot of time to get wherever they're going and I suspect many have really no where to go anyway. At least, that's how they seem to operate their cars.

These are my opinions. They're only backed by my observations. And I'm sure as I get older and have more time to drive during non-drive-time hours, I'll probably look at everybody else and ask, "What's the hurry? Sheesh!"

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Joy Of Receiving A New Hat...It's Witchin'!

I like hats the way some women like shoes. I don't mean to sound sexist, but I do know many women--more than an average man--who love shoes, almost to an obsession. Maybe I like hats because for most people--men and women alike--they are used to having something atop their heads, be it a hat, a hood, or hair.

Me...what once was there no longer is.

I do the next best thing--I wear a hat almost everywhere I go.

There are a couple of practical reasons I wear hats. In the winters it keeps rain/snow off my head and helps keep me warm. In the summers it shields my unshielded head from the sun. Those who've experienced sunburns on their scalp know it's extremely unpleasant. A hat protects me from that. And I wear hats in the spring and fall because you just never know.

Earlier this month I was made aware that I won something in Dave Butler's Twitchy Eye drawing. Those of us who posted reviews of his phenomenal book were eligible for the drawing. I won a hat! Today my hat was delivered to my house and the moment I got home, I donned the black and gold chapeau (in keeping with the New Orleans vibe of the book...).

Even though I like hats, I do not have as many hats as some have shoes. I probably have twenty or so hats, most of them being baseball caps. I try to wear hats that will match with whatever I'm wearing. My Witchy Eye Pistols cap is black. Most of what I wear goes with black, so theoretically, I'll be able to wear this particular hat with most of my wardrobe. That's a win-win-win in my book.

Like new shoes, I'll need to break in the hat. It's stiff right now--some might say like Dave's book when you first pick it up. It's a little ridged, unyielding, stubborn. However, like Dave's book, it adjusts, conforms, yields to the shape of my head. For me, Witchy Eye was an exciting yet daunting book. It's a good read--reading it is sort of like eating a Thanksgiving meal--once you're done, you know you've finished something weighty, something substantial.

So thanks Dave for the hat! I'll wear it with pride and all those who see me coming and wonder about the crossed guns will hopefully see me pass and know from whence the pistols came...from a great book written by Dave Butler titled Witchy Eye.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Feeling Quirky? There's A Game Store For That...

I saw the post on Facebook that my friend Craig Nybo was opening up a game store. If you know Craig, you also know that taking on yet another project is not surprising. He could say he's training to be an astronaut and you'd think, "Yeah, that makes sense."

I thought I should blog about this new venture so I began to write using pictures Craig posted on Facebook when I thought, "Why don't I just drive over there--it's only one town over."

That's what I did. I grabbed my youngest, we jumped in the car, and took the road I used to take to go to high school and stopped at Quirky Engine Entertainment Family Games. It's right next to the famous Kaysville Theater--you can't miss it!

And fortunately, Craig was there. I love chatting with Craig. Talk about talented! The guy writes novels--good novels. He creates amazing music, and puts on one heck of a show each year at his Gangrene Film Festival. He also makes games on the side. Quirky Engine is packed with games that the family will enjoy. There's little-known but great titles. There's puzzles, t-shirts, and books as well.

One of the coolest things is the Quirky Game Finder. This magical device will find the perfect game for you. Just enter your price range, age range, and number of people, click the button and...voila! It tells you what game you should get and that game is in the store!

If you live near Davis County and you're looking for a perfect Christmas or Hanukkah gift, check out Quirky Engine Entertainment Family Games. You can get more information: HERE (Facebook) and: HERE (company website). Put more FUN in you life--Play a Game!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Thinking About My Parents...On My Birthday

As I drove to work this morning I thought about my parents. I don't know what other people think about on their birthdays, but for me, I think about them a lot. It makes sense, especially since I was adopted. I also think about my birth parents from time to time, but then my thoughts always drift to the two people who made the decision to take me into not only their home, but their hearts.

I continued on through the dark and light traffic. I wondered what it must be like to go through the process of adoption. I know a lot has changed since the mid-1960s when it comes to adoption. I don't believe there existed a thing called an "open adoption" back then. Maybe if my birth parents wanted to, they could have kept in touch with my adopting paretns, but I think that's more of a modern construct.

So, since the parents who raised me were not at the hospital. They didn't now I was coming. From what I've been told, they got a call saying I was available and they left right then and drove straight to the hospital to pick me up. That sounds so foreign now. I wonder which is better, not knowing the birth parents, not forming a relationship with them. I can only speak from my perspective. I never felt slighted because I didn't know them. For me, I never wanted to necessarily know who they were, and thanks to my parents, I never blamed them--or my adoptive parents--for any reason. It was just the way things were.

My parents brought me home, fed me, clothed me, accepted me as one of theirs. I've always been proud of my last name. It's the only last name that I've ever had, the only name I've been called. They accepted the responsibility to keep me safe, keep me sheltered, protected from all enemies, real or imagined. And I'll forever love them for it.

They're both gone, my parents. One I knew very little, the other who became both mother and father to me and my siblings. My wife and I have four children. We love them more than anything else in the world. They are not just spiritually connected to us, but also by blood. I've always felt that connection to my parents, even though DNA would say otherwise. But what does it know, anyway?

I pulled into work this morning thankful for those two people who risked everything for the most defenseless person possible. And I feel even more blessed on the day I was born fifty-two years ago. Thank you Harry and Lois. I'll never be able to fully repay you. I can only give you my heart.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Come See "Christmas Carol"...It's Pretty Good!

Last Friday we opened a show. A couple of reviewers were in the audience and they wrote about their experience. 

They had a great time.

That's good, because those of us performing have a great time doing it.

I began this blog in 2011. The next year I did my first Christmas show at the new Centerpoint Legacy Theatre in Centerville Utah. Since 2012 I've done five Christmas shows in six years. In the past I've blogged a lot about the shows. For some reason, I haven't blogged about this latest show too much. That's odd, because I think I've put more effort into this one than the others. Probably because I'm getting older and everything about the show--the dancing, the singing, the memorization has been tougher.

The two reviews that have been posted so far have been very positive. You can access the first one: HERE. I agree with much of what the reviewer said, but I do believe the ghosts of past and present are both excellent.

You can reach the next review by clicking: HERE. I also agree with their summation of the show. And the things they say about the cast members they highlight are straight up correct. This really is a good show and I'm honored to be included in the cast.

The show runs everyday except Sundays until December 23. We're doubled-cast and my daughter and I perform Monday/Wednesday/Friday, but both casts are terrific. And if you do come see us, please stop by after and say "hi." I'd love to see you there.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

University Of Utah's 2017 Football Season...Not How I Thought It Would Go


Tonight the regular football season for the University of Utah 2017 team comes to an end. As I'm writing this the game is in progress--no score so far. For many, the year's been a disaster. I'm sure those who's job it is to coach and play the game would disagree. Sure, they didn't win as many games as they had hoped. They won some close ones and lost some close ones, too.

This, of course, has nothing to do with my opinion of their season. For me, I was disappointed too, but not so much because of how the team did, but how I allowed myself to think they would do. In short, I made the mistake of listening to all the pre-season hype, reading the on-line stories, following the Utah fans on Twitter, and my biggest mistake by far, listening to sports radio.

That's what did it for me.

You see, those who make their living talking on the airwaves or writing on-line need to draw in the crowds, boost the ratings, get people involved. And few things are as addicting as hearing people "in the know" tell you what you want to hear, that your team will win their division, and possibly beyond. Too bad it didn't happen. It's not their fault either. That honor I claim for myself. I chose to believe the hype. I chose to think the sophomore quarterback who beat out the senior would be the next Scott Mitchell. I allowed myself to believe.

That can cost you. It can hurt when things don't work out.

I know part of being a "true fan" means going all in, lapping up the hype, spitting it out at the critics when the team wins, and liking your wounds when they do not. That was me for so many years. I decided a while back I didn't want to be that guy. It turned me into something I didn't want to be, the bitter fan, the jerk. It's taken me a long time to get where I am now and this last year I found myself slipping, returning to thinking I was somehow a better person than fans of other teams that didn't win. When you consider what's really important, those words sound so hollow.

Because they are.

The Utes are playing the Colorado Buffalos at home. They're up. The winner of this particular game will have a 6-6 record and go to a bowl game. The loser will have a record of 5-7 and will not be bowl-eligible. And regardless of the outcome, my life remains the same. I still have to work Monday morning, and doing a show Monday night. 

I want to enjoy sports, not hate them. I want to appreciate the amazing athletes, the skill, the beauty of the game. Next year, I'm not going to invest so much of my time in hype. I'm going to try and avoid the stories, the tweets, and especially the sports radio experts. 

From what I understand, the University of Utah football team is supposed to be better, stronger, faster next year, and they're supposed to vie for that illusive Pac-12 Championship. At least, that's what I've heard.

* Photo used without permission from Fox Sports

Friday, November 24, 2017

Black Friday...At The Pound

Yesterday my son said he saw a tweet about adopting pets at the Humane Society of Utah. From Black Friday and through the weekend all adoptions would be free. Since I didn't work today and was not going to battle the crowds for block buster deals, I thought I'd drive down to SLC and check things out.

I expected the the animals to be hopping, but I did not expect the place to be so packed that a person could hardly walk around. I ran into a friend who knew the rules. He told me that the line, which was long, was for the people waiting to take dogs for a walk, and that if I wanted to go see the dogs, I could walk through the kennels and check them out.

That's what I did. I first checked out the big dogs--mostly pit bull mixes, and then I checked out the little critters--mostly chihuahua mixes. I believe there were more people looking to adopt dogs than dogs available for adoption. At least, I hope so.

For fun I toured the cat houses. There were far more cats than people looking for cats. Too bad. Hopefully, they'll get adopted by kind people looking for a companion.

We're not necessarily looking to get another pet--we've already got three, but just as we rescued one of our cats, there might be another pet out there who needs us. If not, it won't happen. Still, it's heartwarming to see so many people wanting to rescue animals and find them food, shelter, and love. God bless them.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

A Blessed Thanksgiving...

We realized on Tuesday that our family would not be joining my siblings for this year's Thanksgiving feast. 

We were bummed.

But it couldn't be helped. My wife was still under-the-weather, I had a cold, and the kids were showing signs of catching whatever it was I had. The last thing we wanted to do was subject my extended family with their little babies to our illnesses.

Of course, this left us with a dilemma. What were we going to do about Thanksgiving? My wife didn't feel like she could cook--and I couldn't help, so we turned to our kids. We asked them to help out. Not only did they help out, they did it all! The prep, the serving, and the cleanup...everything! The best part was they were so excited to do it.

It was amazing!

I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised. Our kids our very mature, willing to help, and--as a bonus for us--terrific cooks. The food was fantastic and we wanted for nothing this year. As my wife and I rested after dinner, we pondered on the day. I told her that today was, basically, her dream Thanksgiving come true. We didn't have to travel, we have all the leftovers to feed us in the coming days, and my wife didn't have to do a dang thing. It's a Thanksgiving Miracle!

But seriously, today was special for our family. My wife and I are getting older, with me in my fifties and my wife knocking on the door, if we live long enough the day will come when we will no longer be able to take care of ourselves. And on a warm late November day in 2017, our kids did that for us with smiles on their faces and wonderful food on the table. We are truly blessed.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


"So, can our oldest son do the shopping tonight instead of me?"

"Sure," my wife said. "You want to make the stuffing?"

I guess I knew all along I'd be going, and that's fine. I would have liked to just say home, but that would mean going tomorrow morning and, even though the store is open tomorrow morning, I'd rather not have to go in. One less person they have to help.

I grabbed the list my wife prepared and headed out to the store. And since I needed a blog topic for today, you too can experience the joy of shopping the night before Thanksgiving.

On the list:

Onion powder

Distilled water

Onions (I guess you can't have enough...)

Coconut water

And, ice cream.

"Getting everything we need tonight so we don't have to come back on Thanksgiving Day," I said to the cashier during those awkward pauses that always happen.

"Everyone says that, but it never happens. They always forget something," she said.

One of us is right. Time will tell who.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Give The Gift Of Knowledge And Adventure...Immortal Works Black Friday Sale

Image may contain: 1 person, text

There's a lot of noise out there about Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. I usually ignore all the hype. You either have to wait in line and potentially give up your humanity card by literally shoving others aside for a deal. Or you have to wait on-line with thousands (and maybe millions...) of others and try to be lucky enough to take advantage of a great price.

But thanks to the miracle of potentially unlimited supply, you can avoid the lines, the "just-not-clicking-quick-enough-to-get-the-item" on-line shopping, the sleeping out, the saying you hate stores that are open on Thanksgiving, but you go there on Thanksgiving anyway, and click: HERE for the link to Immortal Works Black Friday Sale!

I've been involved with this organization for the past half year and even longer since they agreed to publish my novel early next year (oh, how I'd love to have my title among the others, but that will have to wait...). There's something for everyone, fantasy, paranormal, adventure, and stories for all ages, middle-grade on up.

Yes, there's a lot of noise out there. Why not turn off the TV, turn on a reading lamp, get cozy in your favorite chair, wrap yourself in a warm blanket, carefully place a warm beverage on the stand beside the chair, perhaps light a fire in the fireplace, and crack open a new book? It may be the best decision you'll make all day. Sounds great, doesn't it? And you're only a lamp, a chair, a blanket, a warm beverage, a fire, and a new book from Immortal Works away from making it happen.

Even if you don't choose to participate, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving, and a safe shopping experience to follow.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Tried Pocket Casts App...Love it!

A few weeks back I blogged about my dissatisfaction with the "updated" podcast player through iOS. I didn't realize I was far from the only one feeling this way. I got a lot of feedback from others going through the same frustrations.

I think many of them had stopped listening to, or at least reduced their listening of, many podcasts. But one person who agreed with me offered a solution.

It came from Craig:

CRAIG: I paid $2-3 for the Pocket Casts premium version two years ago, and I've never even felt tempted to try another app.

I looked it up. It costs more than a few bucks now, but not too bad. I downloaded it and I've been happy with my purchase ever since. 

Today I listened to more podcasts than I have in the past month. I don't know if I'm all the way back--I think I listened to too many before (it is possible, you know...). But I've re-discovered the joy of listening to them. And since Craig has been pleased with the Pocket Casts app for two years, chances are I'm going to have the same experience. 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Resting...On The Sabbath...With The Muppets

Sunday is known as a day of rest--there's precedent for it, after all. We've had some illness hit the homestead this week so we decided it was best if we all stayed home so as not to invite more illness and make things worse. Like almost everyone, we've got a big week ahead of us.

So what does one do when resting and letting others recuperate?

Watch Muppets Christmas Carol, of course!

Now, being cast in a production of Christmas Carol draws me to the story even more. My wife and I watched the show together and both wished the Muppets version could somehow be seen on stage, with or without the Muppets. The music is inspired. Then again, I'm sure any version without the Muppets would lack that magical quality.

There is one potential liability to staying home all Sunday after going through a very long and tough week. The Nap Monster can and does strike at any time. We put on the movie, I remembered the Marley's haunt of poor Michael Caine...

Then, the next thing I know, Scrooge is berating Bob Cratchet (a.k.a. Kermit...) for not being at work. Cratchet tries explaining that Scrooge gave him the day off, and Miss Piggy threatens to raise Scrooge right off the pavement. I basically missed the whole movie because of a nap.

Thanks to the miracle of instant media, I can watch it anytime. But, only if I'm not napping.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

A Lost Puppy...And A Phone Call

Co-workers were talking last week. I sit across the cubicle farm aisle from them, but they share a cubicle wall. They talk between themselves about various things, this and that.

I work with my back to them so sometimes I'll overhear their conversations. Earlier this week the two were discussing an event that happened to one, something very distressing. She had lost a dog.

Several people came by her work station. Some had heard of what happened and offered advice. "If you go house-to-house looking for your puppy, take your other dog with you. That way, if they say they haven't seen your puppy and they're really lying because they want to keep the puppy for themselves, the other dog will start barking because it will know the puppy is there."

That was a distressing thought. But I guess people can be terrible at times.

I could feel the sadness from across the aisle. She said to others that the puppy was fairly new and they had planned to get it chipped, but it ran away the day before they were going to get it done. Timing.

We all kept working, the pall of sadness still hung in the air, but I wasn't sure just how sad she was until she got a call on her cellphone.


"Yes, this is she."

"Yes, that's my address."

"You found my dog," she said, pure joy--pure emotion in her voice. Though I wasn't looking at her, I heard the relief, the cloud of sadness disappeared in an instant.

"Oh, thank you. I'll be right there."

I turned and said, "That's so great, you found your puppy." She said a neighbor--someone she didn't know but lived a few doors down--found her puppy, saw her notice, and called. She said she was leaving work to go pick up the puppy and take it home.

I returned to whatever it was I did before the call. The news even made me feel better. The thing that caused so much pain was replaced with an equal and opposite amount of happiness. I guess Newton was right after all.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Random Thoughts...At The Dentist

Every six months or so, I find myself looking up at that weird non-directional operatory light used by dentists and dental hygienists around the world. This morning, 9am, my turn came again.

It's strange the things that go through your mind as the bonds of parental guilt hold you fast into that reclining and height-adjusting chair. Of course, your name is called and you follow the hygienist into the spot reserved for you for the next sixty minutes (depending on how much cleaning is required...). You lay down, and after the x-rays and the heavy metal apron, they go to work.

That's when the thoughts hit.

Did I do enough brushing/flossing/general cleaning in the past six months? That question will be answered in due time. And since the kind woman behind the mask using sharp pointy metal objects to do her job sees areas of my own teeth that I've never even seen, I wonder what's going through her mind.

The first thing she sees is all the metal back there. Yes, as a child, I did not follow the advice of parents, dentists, teachers, even some religious leaders to take better care of my teeth. I've got to think younger patients have more teeth and less metal fillings than those of my generation. As a kid I got cavities all the time. I don't remember my mom freaking out about it too much either. Maybe she did and I just ignored it. Funny, the things we remember.

And speaking of remembering, after Linda the Hygienist is done and we both await a final "a-ok" from Dr. King (DDS), I look out the window of what in our town is considered an ancient building. I see mountains to the north, sycamore trees almost devoid of leaves as a cold rain falls outside line the street. I remember those trees. Growing up, I passed them almost every day. They stood as sentinels silent guarding a small grocery store/deli/video rental establishment--a place we congregated to hang out and play Asteroids. It was the closest non-Atari video game for our pack of street punks.

Music from B98.7 is heard overheard, loud enough to hear, but not loud enough to distract either professional or patient More chit-chat. I pretend not to overhear conversations of others in other reclining and height-adjusting chairs where other non-directional operatory lights oversee their teeth, teeth that may or may not be filled with metal.

Dr. King declares all is right with the world--at least, the world of my teeth and I let out a relieved sigh. No more return appointments between now and six months from now. I am awarded with a small bag full of promotional items including toothpaste and floss. They'll join the others in the small drawer in our bathroom. I pay my bill, schedule a return trip when it just might be raining outside like it was then, only this time, the leaves will be new instead of in wet heaps at our feet.

Funny, the things that go through your mind at the dentist.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

When Hard Work Pays Off...

We're putting the final touches on a show that opens next week. We're putting in long hours to make sure it's the best we can make it. Leaving the theater sometimes after 11pm knowing I've got to clock in seven and a half hours later is daunting. And I'm one of the lucky ones--we live the next town over from the theater and we get home quickly.

This is the fifth Christmas show I've done in the past six years. So, basically, since 2012 (except for one year...), I've spent almost every night during October and November rehearsing and performing every other night during December.

That's a lot of hours, a lot of time away from family, away from writing, away from other things--like sleep. This show's been easier for me in some ways--it's the third time I've done this particular version of Dickens's classic tale. But it's been harder because, well...I'm getting older. I don't move as easily as I have in the past. I'm called upon to dance in several numbers. It's fun, but it's taken me longer to learn and commit to memory the choreography. 

And then there's the director, the choreographer, and others involved in getting the show on its legs. They push us, push me, at least. In the past five shows, I've worked with four directors. Each has their own vision of what they want to see and we try our best to bring those visions to life. This last show, I feel "encouraged" to not only do my best as a Christmas gift for the audience, but to also have the experience mean more for me personally. They want us to fall in love with the story and have it change our lives, too.

Next week, we perform in front of loved ones, then on Friday we open the show for the public. And when we hit the stage for this show, you'll see a cast that's been given notes, critiques, suggestions, and only a few threats. I know I've worked hard on this one, and because of that, I think I'll enjoy it so much more because of it.

"What a good time!"

"What a fine show!"

In that order. One creating the other.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Motivation Posters At Work...What Motivates You?

You know how, when you see the same things every day, you get blind to them? Maybe you don't, but I know I do. I've blogged about the amount of motivational posters we have in my building at work. It's a little too much, if you ask me. I understand the reason for them and it's a personal preference thing. They used to bug me, but after months and months, I really don't see them anymore.

Which is why I did notice a change that happened this week. In our break room where two large posters showing what is acceptable and unacceptable office attire once hung, I saw two new posters, big, beautiful pictures.

It made me smile.

The pictures are not of the same thing. One is of the Golden Gate Bridge, the other a path covered by fauna. Both beautiful, but for different reasons. There is beauty in the things created by us, just as there is beauty in the things created by God. Each have their place, each--when done right-- compliment each other.

When I saw the new pictures, I looked again at a few of the motivational posters hanging around my work station. It made me wonder what's really motivating. Am I more motivated to work harder, do more with pictures of beauty without the quotes? 

Or, perhaps a better question is, if I were surrounded by incredible pictures without quotes, would I start to not see them after a while? My guess is it would be the latter. Maybe I should revisit the photos that already exist in the building with a new perspective.

Then again, maybe I should just stay at my desk and get my work done. That's the motivation I think everyone's looking for.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Those "Literally" Unseen Warnings...

Funny, how many times it's the things we don't see that we have to worry about.

The other day I got a new desk set up at work. Things were moved, things previously unseen were seen. I noticed a small sticker attached to the keyboard cable. Maybe I had seen it before and just ignored it (seeing as how I have worked hours and hours, weeks and weeks, months and months, years and years behind this device...), I'm sure I've seen it and thought nothing of it.

If you don't want to read the entire warning, don't worry--I did for you. Basically, it says that if you use their product too much, you may experience...well, problems.

I wonder how many other things should have a similar warning.

Is there a warning in a car that if you drive too much you might have issues? What about watching too much TV? Of course everything used too much can cause problems. I like the part of the warning that says you may have problems even if you're not using the keyboard that may be keyboard-caused. Classic. 

Recently, I got a new standing desk. It's to help my back and I believe it's working. Maybe I had back problems because of my keyboard. After reading the warning, I'm sure some have tried to blame the accessory for their problems. It just seemed a little odd to me, that's all. And because surgeries and other remedies cost so much nowadays, I'm sure it's worth it to the company to place an ominous warning that includes problems the product may or may have caused.

Then again, maybe it's natures way of telling us we spend WAY too much time behind a computer screen. Time will tell.