
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Started A New Story...It's About Time (Even Though It's Not About "Time")

 I've had this story kicking around my brain for years. It began like almost all the others...a seed sprouts and begins to grow. Sometimes--most times--I open my computer and write the beginning down. I usually crank out a page, or two. On occasion, I may complete an entire chapter...

Then, I usually stop.

It's my style.

And not a good style.

Most of my short stories ended up that way. The great thing about a short story is I'm usually dedicated enough to see the story through. It's when the story requires an additional eighty-five thousand words where I run into trouble.

This latest story's different. It's a children's book. Some of my first writings were picture books (sans illustrations...). I even sent them to publishers, back when you printed copies and mailed a physical copy of your work to publishers. Those were the days. In many ways, it's a superior system than what we have today because it forces the author to actually do more than just type a story.

In the photo, you see I've only written 372 words. The good news is, that's about ten percent of the entire thing. I had fun writing those words. I can see even now how much editing it will take. The fewer the words, the more important each word is. I'm also going to need an illustrator. I have a couple in mind. I'm waiting to see how it turns ou,t to see how confident I am in the finished product, before I consider inquiring about an artist. 

This story is the kind of project I need to think about, to roll around in my mind. I know (or I think I know...) how I want the story to feel when it's done. All I have to do now, is write it.

Yes, it's another "just begun" tale. Let's hope it doesn't end up like so many others.

I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Séance, This Year's Version...Is Coming

August will soon fade into history, followed by September, as it has for as long as there has been Augusts and Septembers. In our part of the world September means the days get shorter and the temperatures begin to fall...

My favorite part of the year.

Back in 2017 a new attraction opened at Lagoon Amusement Park's Frightmares. It's called Séance, and it's absolutely terrifying. I've been fortunate enough to be a part of every show, every production of the attraction that's taken place on the park. It's just the best show.

Many of my readers have seen the show. If you have you know what kind of an experience it is. I can't give anything away about the show, and even if I could, I would not do so because I don't want to give anything away.

If you're in the area and you'd like to experience the show first-hand, when you reach the park during this season of Frightmares, go to the Séance ticket office because our show usually sells out within minutes of the ticket office opening--it's that popular. 

Over the years I've been involved in a lot of shows. 

This one is one in a million...

And you should see it.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

We Missed The Rodeo...Again

 This past weekend at the little hamlet in which we live marked one of the biggest of the year. You see, it's the week of the Box Elder County Fair.

It's a big deal.

One of the most anticipated events of the fair is the rodeo. It's so popular on local online bulletin boards people have been asking for weeks for any extra rodeo tickets that might be available. It's our version of a Taylor Swift concert...

Well, maybe not to that degree, but you get the idea.

As a child, my father got tickets to Lagoon Amusement Park's weekly rodeos. I believe the rodeos were on Friday nights...either that, or they were on Saturday nights and the Demolition Derbies were on Fridays. I can't was more than fifty years ago. Point is, I went to a lot of rodeos as a youngling. 

I"m not anti-rodeo. I'd go, if given the chance. Since we moved here, I have no idea how difficult it is to secure tickets to the rodeos. I imagine, it's quite tough. This tells me a couple of's a great show. If people are asking strangers for extra tickets, it must be worth it. And two--the spirit of the old west is alive and kicking in this part of the country.

The day after the fair ended, my son and I drove around the fairgrounds. I snapped a picture of some of the rodeo participants waiting for their next adventure. Maybe next year we'll try and attend. We ought to experience what so many of our neighbors and friends already know. The rodeo at the Box Elder County Fair is a good time...

And a big deal.

Monday, August 28, 2023

See...No Where's Completely Safe

 I did a screen shot of a local news channel's Instagram post (Channel 2, KUTV in Salt Lake City, to be exact...). Someone snapped a picture of a funnel cloud located about twenty or so miles away from where we live. The first reaction was, "I'm glad it didn't hit us or that no one got hurt," but then, you start to think...why didn't it hit us? Why didn't this happen in a crowded city and not an unpopulated area?

Why aren't there more natural disasters?

I don't think I'm alone in wishing I could live in an area that is considered "safe." I remember as a child thinking about where on the planet is the safest. Utah, where I've lived all but three years of my life, is safer than most. Without looking at the data and just going by my fifty-plus years, we don't have disasters that affect other places. We don't have hurricanes, volcanoes, tsunamis, for example. 

Of course, not everything is well in paradise. We have floods, extreme (but not so extreme...) weather, an occasional tornado, and something that could devastate the area, earthquakes. When I was in my basement office a few years ago and the house shook and I heard a rumble, it freaked me out a bit...and that was a small quake. Earthquakes used to worry me as a child, then my logical mind had to accept the fact that no place is safe, completely safe. 

Right now, tropical storms are building in the Gulf of Mexico. Those on the east coast and in the south are used to this. I think it would drive me crazy, but they adapt and survive. People in the midwest and in other parts of the country have the threat of tornadoes that can do such damage. I think living in Tornado Alley would be tough for me, too. Not being a meteorologist, I have no idea if the funnel cloud would have done any damage, even if it were in a populated area. 

I think the trick is to prepare as much as you can. live right, and be the best person you can be. Other than that, much of this is out of your hands. Still, when you see a picture of an unusual weather event that's close to where you live, it's a little disconcerting...

Got to live with it, I guess.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Give Thanks...For Replacements

 I began my daily blog in January, 2011. In order to successfully maintain a daily blog, you must blog daily.'s true. In order to do this, you must have reliable equipment. Until about 2015, or there about, I used my first MacBook Pro to create my posts. The laptop was big (huge, by today's standards), a great keyboard, a CD/DVD drive, card readers, and a battery that needed replacing on a regular basis.

I used that computer every day--literally. I used to so much I wore off some of the numbers and letters on the keyboard. I had so many photos and other programs on that computer, it began to drag. That, plus the battery began to expand to the point where it became tough to type anything and it took forever to open even one program. Creating a blog post required a lot of time.

I needed a new computer.

I bought another MacBook Pro.

It served me well.

At least, until this month, when it died.

My first Apple laptop was white and plastic. It was another great machine. It too had battery issues, but back then, you could just pop out the old one and inset a new one without taking apart the computer. The metal MacBook Pro models are not so accommodating. The reason my first MacBook Pro failed me was in part due to the battery, and wouldn't you know it--my second MacBook Pro stopped working this month was due to battery issues.

I found a deal on a used MacBook Air. I'm writing this blog post on the air. I like it, plus the best part is, it's newer and therefore, has a newer battery. Hopefully, I won't have to worry about it for a while.

When I think about how we can replace a computer cheaper than a new set of car tires, it's astounding. Computers used to cost more than cars...not so much anymore. I'm grateful I live in this time. I'm also grateful I have a replacement laptop to continue my daily blogging streak...

4601 posts...and counting.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

It's Back...Baby!

 My wife and I were discussing August yesterday. It feels like the longest month of the year. Maybe it's the heat, maybe it's the because of things that happen in the fall can finally start. Then again...

Maybe it's because it's the month college football begins.

My wife would not agree as she does not feel the same way as I do when it comes to college football. For me, it seems like the end of August will never come, but every year it eventually does. 

I have a love/hate relationship with college football. It is my favorite sport to watch. I've showed less interest in other sports I used to follow of football/pro basketball. When it comes to college football, I love watching the games, but I also hate it because of my unrealistic expectations as a fan. I've got my team favorites, of course, but every year it seems the "big boys" will once again leave the field hoisting the championship trophy. I know I should be happy because my favorite team wins more games than they lose and I know they're not on the same level as the "big boys." Then again...

Maybe they are?

See? That's what I'm talking about. I spend all year listening to "experts" and they say how great my team will be. Maybe it's my fault because of who I listen to. Human nature, I guess. We want to hear people say things that reinforce what we believe, or what we believe to be true.

Hopefully this year, I'll reign in my emotions, think critically, and just enjoy the victories and accept the defeats, and appreciate the best time of the sports year.

I'll let you know.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Box Drop Mattress & Furniture...Good Place

 My wife and I found ourselves in Logan, Utah with a few hours to kill today. We had done our shopping, and ran a few errands, when the topic of an adjustable bed frame came up. Why did this particular topic came up? Because it's something we've been thinking about getting for a while.

If you're familiar with Logan, Utah, you know it's a thriving area. You can find almost any store (except a Target or a Harmons...) and anything you need in those stores. Years ago we were looking for a couch. We saw an ad for Box Drop Mattress & Furniture so we checked them out. We ended up not buying a couch from them, but we remembered the place.

You've probably know places like this. Their showroom is in a warehouse...not a bad warehouse, but a big open space. Compare that to say, a RC Willey furniture store (a local furniture chain...) and you know what I mean. A newly-constructed RC Willey's store is like a cathedral. They're opulent, some would say...over the top. Box Drop is so much different. 

We found a bed frame we wanted, but we hesitated. After a short discussion, we agreed upon the price and delivery and the deal was done. 

I'm not expert on the price of most things. I walked around the floor and looked at both mattresses and couches. I don't know if the prices were good or great, but I do know they treated us well and we didn't have to pay for overheard (or, too much overhead...).

If you're in Northern Utah and you need mattresses and/or furniture, give Box Drop a chance. They're north and west of the city. If you've reached the airport, you've gone too far. Check them out. Hopefully, you'll find what you're looking for.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Now...To Try And Get This Thing To Fly

 Since we're heading into the weekend, I decided to unbox a drone I bought about a year ago. For me, a drone has been one of those things, that--if I had the funds--I would buy a nice one...

At least, I think I would.

I follow several photographers on social media who use their their drones to capture incredible photos and videos. They make it look so effortless, and for all I know, maybe it is. I suspect, however, like any art form, the more you practice, the better you become.

This drone of mine is not a good one, I fully admit. Then again, I didn't want a good one, really. I wanted something on which I could learn the basics. After I bought it (and a back-up drone was thrown in the garage sale deal...), I went to the backyard and fired it up. It immediately tuned upside-down and crashed. I've had a couple of really cheap drones and they never did that. After a few attempts, I put the drone back in the box and set it aside to open another day.

Today was that other day.

I wanted to check the camera so I took off the propellers (to avoid getting hurt...) and tried it out. I got it to work and even sync'd it with the smartphone app. So far so good. After it got too dark to take outside, I decided to look online to see if there were any instructional videos on this particular model that might help. Yes, there are. Turns out, there are several steps I must do to calibrate the drone and the remote. If I get a chance tomorrow, I'm going to give it another chance.

I've wondered if I really want to invest good money in a top-tier drone. I'm sure I'd like it, but would I use it? Do I want it mostly because I don't have it? That's happened before and I hate finding out the main reason I want something is because I don't have it and once I get it, it's not like I imagined.

Hopefully, I'll get the thing to fly. If so, I hope also it takes photos and videos good enough to share. If not, well, since it was a garage sale find, I won't be out too much.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Drumsticks...Too Good To Be True

 Drumstick Ice Cream Cones.

Every had one? They're heaven. A few months ago my oldest came over bearing in a blue box. My family is not unique when I say we have some food sensitivities. It's worse than others, but not as bad as some. Point is, we have to be careful when it comes to our food. 

So, when my son brought the box over and happily proclaimed it was "safe" for us, there was much rejoicing. You're probably thinking, with all the stuff in those things, they're anything but safe. True enough, but they lacked some ingredients we avoid.

We tried them.

We loved them.

We bought more.

Yes, we thought we had found a dessert which we could all enjoy. Turns out, not so much. After a while, those with the highest level of sensitivity didn't feel so hot after consuming said product. It was a shame because we had just bought an eight-pack. My wife turned to me and said, "The rest are yours."


I then took it upon myself to depose of the remaining ice cream was my lot in life, a sacrifice I'm willing to make, for my family, of course. If put in a similar situation, I'd do it again.

Now, we no longer enter enter the ice cream aisle, at least not the part where the Nestle Drumsticks can be found.

It's really too bad.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

What A Difference (Almost...) A Decade Makes

 I did a quick photo search tonight and I came across something amazing. Back in March 2014 (March 20th, to be exact...), I spotted a 1970 Volkswagen Campervan sitting at the side of Main Street in Centerville, Utah. I stopped, snapped a couple of pictures, and thought how much I would have loved to fix it up, but, it was...

A hunk of junk.

Funny, what a difference a decade makes.

Just look at the thing. So much work.

I think I even told my wife who knows I love classed VWs about the van. I have no idea if the thing even ran--I know it had an engine, front seats, and all four tires. I don't know the condition of the inside or the pup-up tent. I don't know if rust had all but destroyed the undercarriage.



That's all it cost. For $1500 I could have bought it and parked it by the side of the house. If I had done just that, bought it and parked it for a decade, I could sell the thing for ten-times what I paid, especially if it ran. 

Sunday night, I decided to text message a high school friend. Jimmy is one of the finest people I've ever met and the almost forty years since we graduated high school together have not caused me to think any less of him. We chatted briefly about the old days and I said something about how those days were gone, like the favorite cookies we used to eat when we got together, or finding a $500 VW bug that offered reliable transportation. He picked up on that and said sometimes he's like to own a classic beetle, but then, would it be worth it?

I agreed. The cars were dangerous, unreliable, no heat/AC, but I am still drawn to them like a "bug" to a flame. Seeing photos of that classic van and considering how much it cost back then...had I bought it, I probably would have cursed my decision and ended up selling it for scrap. 


It might have been worth it after all.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Flight Of The Hummingbird...

 Tonight, as the dog and I continued our after work ritual game of fetch, something jetted in front of my eyes. I followed the blur to our garden where the object hovered in space. I took out my phone to try and capture a video, because I love watching hummingbirds.

Who doesn't?

At our last home we were surrounded by trees...not Western Washington State trees, but enough that they surrounded our house. We moved to a place that is somewhat lacking in the tree department. I don't know much about hummingbirds, but I assumed they need a lot of trees to survive, and since we have fewer trees, I wasn't sure if I'd see a hummingbird anytime soon.

Guess I did.

Once a hummingbird is spotted, it's darn-near impossible to capture said bird on a photo or video, but I thought I'd try anyway. I don't know if our dog saw saw the bird. He doesn't see much lately due to his long hair (I'm surprised he sees anything at all...). Our dog is a poodle, so he's not a true bird dog, even if he did see the bird, I know he wasn't as excited as me.

I've wanted to get a hummingbird feeder for some time. We had one years ago and I loved it. Too bad it died due to the the suction cups failing. Seeing this little guy (or gal...) flying around, I'm going to see if I can find a reasonably-priced hummingbird feeder...

Now that I know they're here.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Give Thanks...Remembering A Sister On Her Birthday

When it comes to birthdays, some are bigger than others. I know 50 is a huge birthday, but for some reason, 55 seems to be like a big one to me. It's a fun one to send birthday wishes to friends on social media. I call it the "Double Nickel Club."

Corny, I know...

Today, my sister would have turned 55. She passed just over a year and a half ago. It's strange...almost everyone has been affected recently by a friend, acquaintance, or family member passing away much too soon. I suppose that's always happened. Young people unfortunately pass away. My father didn't make it to 50 for example. We all know someone who died young.

The funny thing is, if my sister were still with us, I know I'd send her a "Happy birthday" social media message, but would I go to her house and celebrate in person? Would I go further and actually buy her a present? My guess is I would not. I say this because when she was with us, we didn't gather, we didn't exchange gifts.

Missed opportunities...

That can never be reclaimed.

I'm grateful I had 53 years with my sister. Like all of us, she was kind and sweet and flawed and fierce and wonderful. I miss her still.

Happy, Birthday, Sis! Welcome to the Double Nickel Club.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Same Sky...Different Sky

 We live at the top of a huge valley. Looking south, we can see mountain tops at least a hundred miles away, and on a clear day where the air is devoid of pollution, the view is breathtaking. I haven't studied weather patterns, but we've had a wet year, lots of snow this winter and spring, and some good storms this summer.

Right now, several hundred miles away, a storm builds over the Pacific Ocean, a storm with more power behind it than all the energy created by mankind.

I look at the sky. It's raining somewhere, sunshine others. Because we live in a desert, we seem to always pray for rain. Of course, you can be blessed with too much of a good thing. Parts of our state have flooded the past couple of days.

To the west, millions will watch as their sky darkens and the monster roars overhead. They'll pray to their god to make it stop.

It will, eventually, but not due to their prayers.

It stops because it must. All things created must die. Their sky will return to what they know. Will they be changed? Will they look at the sky with different eyes? Will their faith in their god be strengthened...or diminished? Time will tell. I hope those in the path of the storm will be safe.

I believe humans have always looked to the sky. Their very lives depend on what they see, or don't see. We do that still...

We just don't realize it.

Friday, August 18, 2023

I Have The Hat...I Must Be A Fan

 I found this hat last year when we passed a sale originating from someone's yard. They had a lot of cool stuff. I ended up buying a hat with the emblem of a local professional sports team in it.

Real Salt Lake.

I have many hats. I wear many hats. The hats advertise a lot of things, but mostly sports teams and the sport team of which I have the most hats are my beloved Utah Utes. I'm a sucker for a good U of U hat. The fact that Utah's colors are crimson and white is my favorite color.

One of the colors of the Real Salt Lake MLS soccer team is red-ish. Their official colors are Real Gold, Cobalt Blue, and Claret Red. I like the's the color of my car. It's a little darker than I'm used to.

I was once a big sports fan, and not just watching sports on TV (which is pretty much all I do now...), but an actual "go to the game, sit my butt down in a seat" fan. In college I went to a lot of football and basketball games. They were fun, even though the football team isn't what it now is, and the basketball team was much more successful than it now it. I was also fortunate enough to work for the Utah Jazz for a few seasons. I saw a lot of their games, too.

I've been a fan of Real Salt Lake ever since the franchise began in Utah in 2004, but I never owned any Real Salt Lake gear. In fact, the hat was the first piece of Real Salt Lake clothing I've ever owned. I had tons of Utah Utes stuff, even some Utah Jazz, but nothing Real Salt Lake-themed.

Another oddity for a self-proclaimed fan is I've only attended one Real Salt Lake game. It was also the only MLS game I've seen. It was a several years ago and I went because a friend of mine had suite seats and he couldn't go. My son and I had a great time, and Real won, which made it that much better.

Yes, I am a Real Salt Lake fan...

The hat proves it.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Knowing Things I Never Knew Before...

 I don't do snark well. We live in a world where snark gets a person noticed. I always thought I'd be more popular on Twitter/X if I turned up the snark meter to eleven. I hope that even if I were better at snark, I'd show some restraint when it comes to social media. I try to avoid it whenever possible.

Then, I saw a a banner at our local hospital. The banner advertised a new service offered by the care center. The service? Wound care. My wife and I actually talked about it as we drove by. We wondered what the hospital did with wound victims before they offered this service.

Then, I took a picture of it, posted the photo on social media with a snarky caption.

I should have done some research.

Thankfully, I have friends who informed me that wound care is not just stitching up a cut or putting a bandage on an injured part of the body. It's much more. I now know wound care is more involved than I thought, and I'm glad this service is available in such a small rural town. Wound care deals with any ongoing effects of wounds, be they small or life-changing. Just use your do people deal with wounds and all in entails?

I'm also glad my friends didn't call me to the carpet for making light of tragedies people who need these services go through. 

I know it's a small thing and my "joke" was not overtly offensive. Since the question of "What did they do before they had wound care?" begs an obvious question. There was an obvious answer.

Like I said, I don't do snark well.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

It's the Little Buggers You Don't See...

Tonight I snapped a picture of our backyard from the safety of my kitchen. It looks serene, peaceful, almost quaint. But, there's a secret, a deep-dark secret lurking, unseen by the naked eye...


And, oh--are they bad right now.

Where we used to live, we didn't find ourselves outside too often. Our yard didn't lend itself to it. Of course, we used the yard for many things--it was a great place for our kids to grow up in. They had a mountain and a dead-end street. We loved that, but we didn't go outside much and just hang out.

We got a big dog. We moved. We put in a fence.

Now, we love spending time outside, except at certain times of the year. Namely, right now.

I noticed the mosquitos last year. I couldn't believe how many of the little monsters were flying around. We tried spraying, we bought a bug zapper, and it helped, but they always seemed to return. This spring and summer I decided to pay more attention to the mosquitos. I noticed something interesting. 

They're not bad all the time...just at certain times.

Even as late as last week, the mosquitos weren't too numerous. I could spend time with the the dog playing fetch. I didn't have to worry. There was a time a few months ago when I noticed a higher number of mosquitos, then they seemed to go away. They've come back this week big time.

I actually feel better about the backyard bug situation this year, because I know it's not a consistent problem. As long as I know that, I can deal with it. I'll just try and limit my outdoor fun during the weeks of terror and enjoy the time outside even more during the non-weeks.

Sounds like a plan.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

How To Prepare Æbleskiver Leftovers…


We made too many…it’s a curse, really, when you’re making Danish pancakes, or æbleskiver (that’s the plural, not æbleskivers…). In our house, we make as many as we can, make them until the batter runs out. The good and bad about æbleskiver is that they look so small that you could eat dozens. After a while, you realize…

It’s not meant to be.

So, we gathered the uneaten balls of deliciousness and put them in the fridge.

Last year our son bought us an air fryer…a good air fryer. We were air fryer virgins before that, didn’t know what they were good at making. After the gift was given, we went out and bought all sorts of food, frozen French fires (of course…), egg rolls, hash browns. Some things the air fryer worked swimmingly, but, as with most things, it wasn’t perfect for all occasions.

After the æbleskiver had sat in the fridge for a few days, I decided to see if the air fryer was the right appliance to bring the chilled Danish pancakes back to life. I threw in half a dozen, hit four minutes on high heat and hit the button, hoping for the best.

The best is what I got.

They tasted great, almost a great as when they were freshly baked. Again, not perfect, but pretty darn close.

So, if you “accidentally” make too many æbleskiver the next time you find yourself making æbleskiver, throw the extra in the fridge and pull out the air fryer. Serve them up with your favorite toppings and you’re in for a good æbleskiver any time.


Monday, August 14, 2023

Admiring The Old Buildings...They Don't Make Them Like That Anymore

Yesterday, while doing a little web surfing, I came across a social media post on X that intrigued me. The thread asked the question about LDS meetinghouses. Many posted pictures of amazing and unusual Latter-Day Saint chapels throughout the country and in other parts of the world.

They were beautiful.

So much so, I'd love to see them all. I know, of course, that these were but a drop in the bucket of LDS chapels across the globe. I decided to add a couple of photos of the meetinghouse I attend--one indoor, one outdoor--for I believe it belongs in the discussion of amazing and unusual. 

Last week I attended a church in Brigham City where my son, daughter-in-law, and new baby call their own. It's not one of the newer, utilitarian models. It's actually a split-level.


Many people enjoy visiting old churches. I think my appreciation comes from the fact that I attended for almost all my life a church that has great historical significance in our religion. It's the Old Rock Church in Farmington. If you know, you know. I loved that old building that had several additions over the decades.

When I see an old church, it's a testament to those who built it. It's a physical representation of their faith, and us attending is a physical representation of ours.

I'd love to visit them all.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Give Thanks...For The Stink-Eye

 We had the family get together tonight for food and fun. The grandchild turns three weeks tomorrow...he's much more active (I heard a crying fit for the first time...) which means, he's able to emote many facial expressions, including...

The stink-eye.

Yeah, he gave it to me as I hovered for a shot. How can I not? I'm a grandpa, for goodness sakes. It's required, it's expected, it's in my D.N.A. As I moved about and snapped a picture, hoping for a great shot, I clicked the button on my phone and the finished product is what you see. 

Little cuss gave me the stink-eye.

I'm so blessed that my family could gather together tonight. In a few months a few of us will be relocating south and we won't see them as much--not too far away, but far enough so we can't just jump in the car and twenty minutes later we'll be together. Kids will continue to grow, grandchildren will, too. I hope my children can look back on memories like hanging out in the backyard of their parents's house--something we did tonight--with fondness.

I hope we can as well.

I'm grateful for tonight, for these last three weeks, even for that dang stink-eye.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

A Season Of Change...

 I am, admittedly, a sports fan. My favorite sports to follow in no particular order is National Team Soccer, some olympics, other soccer leagues, and NCAA sports, especially college football. This month, a premier NCAA conference blew up...the chard remains exist for the time being, but could all but disappear soon.

That's a damn shame.

I don't know all the details of how and why the destruction of the Pac 12 happened. I've read some appears to be a combination of greed, arrogance, and laziness. Like I said, I have no first-hand knowledge of the why, and it doesn't really matter anyway. What's done is done. I feel bad for the good people who worked hard and did their jobs to keep the Pac 12 functioning. It's not their fault things went south. 

As a fan of the University of Utah football team, I was worried. The very real prospect that the Utes would be left out of the conference party existed. Thankfully, they were invited into the Big 12 (funny how the numbers following the Big 12, the Big 10 no longer matter...). Thankfully, the Utes accepted.

It's been an interesting week as a college sports fan.

Many of my friends are BYU fans...they definitely bleed blue. They begin conference play in the Big 12 this year after wandering in the independence desert for a long time. I can't wait for them to again be part of a conference race, to try and win the conference, to complete for a shot at the playoffs. It's exciting. They deserve it. Utah has one final year of Pac 12 play, then they'll join the Big 12 family, and boy--it's going to be fun. 

I have no idea what changes are in store for college sports, but change is definitely in the air. Things have happened no one could have imagined even ten years ago. The next ten years could be even more nuts, but as long as I can watch my beloved Utah Utes don the crimson and white and play to the best of their abilities...

I'll be a happy fan.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Trying To Eat Healthier...These Two Make It More Difficult

 Time keeps reminding me that I'm getting older. I creak when I get up in the morning, I move slower in general, and I can no longer eat the things, or eat the way I once did. Such is the way of things, I imagine. Lately, I've been trying to eat better and the biggest enemy to this goal is sugar...

I'm trying to reduce my sugar intake.

Sometimes, it's not so bad. We bought some natural snacks to substitute for chocolate and other goodies. Yes, natural snacks like grapes or dried fruit have sugars in them, but they must be healthier than a Coke or mini Snickers bars. 

If not, life is truly not fair.

Then, there's Trader Joe's Maple Leaf cookies...pure evil...

Delicious, delicious evil.

Trader Joe's have many wonderful treats...the JoJo line always pleases, but there's just something about those maple leaves.

By limiting sugar, it made me realize just how much of the stuff is in my diet--not a good thing. I know it's a small thing. I need to do more as an overall plan, but even limiting sugar a bit makes me feel better, feel healthier...

Hasn't removed the creaks, though.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Student Driver...The Magnet I Didn't Know I Needed

I've seen them on cars here and there, the yellow "Student Driver" magnets on the back of cars. I kept thinking, it would have been nice to have that back when I was the passenger to a student driver a few years ago.

Plus, I thought those magnets were only available for high school and/or driver school personnel.


Now, the common driver can have them, too.

A few months ago we were looking for yard sale signs when we came across the magnet. And we bought it. And the next time I put it on the back of our minivan when my youngest and I went out to get more hours behind the wheel.

Those of you who have experienced the white-knuckle joy of helping a child hone their driving skills, there's a lot to take in. You need to make sure the driver stays in the lane, or on the road, or that punch-in-the-gut feeling when a car pulls up behind you and wants to drive faster than the posted speed limit. That's where the magnet really shines.

I don't know if the drivers behind us see the magnet (even though, it's hard to ignore...), or if they even think the person driving is an actual student driver. For me, it doesn't really matter what they think. I'm glad they have a heads up that the driver lacks experience and needs to be out there on the road to get it. I mean, we bought the magnet for others, but I'm finding, it's giving me a lot of comfort, too.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Sometimes, When You're Photographing Clouds, You Get...Lucky

 I saw the cloud rising in the eastern sky while in the backyard with the dog. It rose above the house, and because of the time of day, the sun lit up the whites in the cloud like a lighthouse. I took a picture of it, because I thought it looked like the Matterhorn. After bringing in the puppy, I decided to check out the cloud, but from an unobstructed viewpoint. What I saw, well...

It was sort of amazing.

The cloud had changed, morphed, evolved, until it became a mythical creature, a dominant force exploding over the mountain, an etherial overlord of all below. I took out my phone and snapped more pictures.

Sometimes, you get lucky.

I posted one of the shots on social media identifying a dragon overtaking Tremonton, Utah. I saw the dragon, the head, even the wings clearly visible. A friend said to him the cloud formation looked like a pegasus. I can definitely see it. 

It was fun capturing the evolution, seeing it form almost in front of me. There's been many times when I'm driving and I'll see a cloud formation above, and because I'm driving, I can't photograph it. It's still a joy to see the shapes that remind you of something, be it an animal, a person, a building, or if you're lucky...

A dragon...

Or a pegasus.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

"The Befallen"...By Cambria Williams

 Release day.

There's something about the day when it's really official, when the book that's inundated your life for days, weeks, months, years is unleashed upon the world. Someone somewhere has the stats...there's probably hundreds--even perhaps thousands--of books were released today, including Cambria Williams's The Befallen.

This is Williams's first book. If you ask me, it lacks a "first time" feel. The protagonist, Sloane faces a cruel world in search for justice. Williams's talent is evident as the reader and Sloane discover the fascinating world in which she ventures. Her village gone, her family dead...when others see Sloane they see weakness. We see more because we see the struggles, the danger, the triumphs and the failures.

Years ago I read a lot of fantasy, but not anymore. Maybe because of that, the story was fresh, the world created believable and tangible. If you're a fan of fantasy with a hero unlike so many others, give The Befallen a try. You can order it by clicking: HERE.

Release days are exciting. Even though it's not my book, I can still feel that spark, the feeling of seeing the reviews come in, finding out what people think of your words. There's nothing else like it. Check out The Befallen. It's a great read.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Beautiful Writing Advice...

 Back when I didn't know how to use Twitter/X (and, many times I don't know if I've ever truly learned how to use it...), I started following writers. Not every writer, mind you, but those I found interesting, those who looked like they'd be a fun follow. I'll most likely never meet most of them in person, but if you're an aspiring writer, following writers on TwitterX is a good way to insert yourself into the writing community.

When you follow writers, you're bound to see a lot of writing advice...some good, some terrible...

And some beautiful.

The other day I came across some writing advice on Twitter/X that was precisely that...beautiful. 

I included the screenshot because I'm not 100% sure who to credit, but you can see who posted the tweet/X I saw. What captured my attention was the way the flow was broken down, how the reader is presented information that flows. The writer said it best, "The writing sings."

I've been tinkering with this writing thing for about fifteen years. I've met some incredible writers in that time and read some of the most amazing stories from those writers. A lot of good writing--in my opinion--is cerebral, from the sub-conscience...unfortunately, something that cannot be taught. I don't believe that last one completely, but actually, yes I do.

Every writer can improve their craft and some are true masters. Such is life, might as well accept it and do your best. Read the above passage again.

Write music.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Give Thanks...To Know Them Before They're Gone

 We never truly know another person--I wonder many times if we truly know ourselves. The best we can do is judge each other based on a few factors, the things they do (infinitely more important than the things they say...), an perhaps the biggest factor, how they make you feel.

Today, we lost one of the good ones.

And it stinks.

We moved from our previous neighborhood almost three years ago. In a way, it's been a lifetime, but in other ways, it's like we moved last year. Time if funny that way. Having lived on the same street for five decades, you get to know the area, the homes, the yards, the streets, and especially the people. I can't tell you definitively when his family moved in, but they were a staple, part of the community like a strong tree standing proud against a brilliant blue sky. 

Over the years, the family moved into a larger home just up the street. I still remember while out on a walk seeing his car motor up the hill, always giving each other a wave, but what I remember most were the conversations we had, especially around Thanksgiving.

Why Thanksgiving?

Because that's when Kent's spirit truly shined. 

Kent would stand up in church and announce that if anyone needed a place to go for Thanksgiving dinner, hit him up. If I'm remembering correctly, he would prepare a huge meal to be served on Friday. Even though it's been years since we were there at Thanksgiving, I don't see why he would stop his gracious tradition. I distinctly remember talking to him about it. Food's expensive--even more so now. He said in his humble way that he did it because he didn't want anyone missing out on a good meal, plus, I know he loved doing it. Perhaps no one got more out of his selfless act than he did.

I don't know the details of what happened, and in a way, they're not important. I don't need to know them to know what really matters...that a family man has passed on, a man whose example touched my life and the lives of so many people. I'm grateful to have known him, grateful to call him friend. Though the tree is gone, it's shadow will never fade. God's speed, Kent.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Living Under The Flight Path...

 We ran an errand this morning which required us to drive a little farther than usual...about sixty miles out of our way. You could not have picked a better day to do it--it was an incredible morning.

Even saw some planes.

When we lived in Davis County, we were not quite under the flight path. Then again, we probably were. We were too east to have planes fly on a landing pattern--the north/south corridor, but if planes were taking off to the north and needed to turn east, they'd sometimes fly directly overhead our house.

This morning, looking up at an inbound Delta flight, it reminded me of watching the planes.

I paid more attention to the plane because where we now live, seeing any plane is an unusual event. It's not like the sky is totally devoid of planes up here...just few and far between. 

Years--decades--ago, you could drive just north of the Salt Lake airport, at the end of the runway, and watch the big jets take off. I can't remember if we were able to actually park on the road or not. They eventually closed the road. It would be amazing to be able to watch them take off and land from the end of the runway now.

I guess the next best thing is to be on the ground looking up as the fly overhead.

It's funny. I'll bet not many people down below even acknowledged the plane above. It's such an ordinary occurrence, happening dozens of times every day.

Still, it's still a modern miracle, and it was fun to see.

Friday, August 4, 2023

The Experiment...Pretty Much How I Thought It Would Go

 It's been a few days...

My Thoughts.

I saw the add for an anti-snoring device. They claimed it was a "miniCPAP" machine. I knew immediately, that was false. I've never used a CPAP machine. I don't know if I've ever seen a CPAP machine, but I KNOW whatever this was, it wasn't a CPAP machine in miniature. 


It was around $19 and since I had something else I wanted to order on Amazon, I thought, why not? It arrived two days later (a modern miracle...). First impression...I thought the fans would be more powerful. They blew air, but no pressure. Okay, I thought. Any air might help. I wasn't going to discount it yet.

Plus, I mean, check out the ad! Those people are sleeping comfortably with a tiny bean stuck under their noses. It must work and it must be something that's almost undetectable.

Not so much...

It's big enough to not be a bean. It's more like a small tomato. It comes with two nose attachments, one smaller than the other. I tried them both. The bigger one worked for me, and when I say "work" I mean, it didn't fall off my face when I turned my head on its side (which, by the way, is one of the recommendations listed on the box to help stop snoring...). 

First night, it popped right off as I tried going to sleep. I attached it again to my face, but woke up a few hours later and it was on the bed beside me. The next night with the larger attachment, it actually stayed least, for a few more minutes. I don't know exactly when it fell off because I was asleep at the time and most likely, snoring.

I posted the picture of the item on social media after I got it. I had many comments from friends telling me about their CPAP experience--most raved at how it has literally changed their lives. I've never seriously thought about getting a CPAP machine. Based on their comments, I'm probably a prime candidate. I always thought I'd feel claustrophobic with something strapped to my face--a la Alien, but everyone else seems to get used to it and it's worth whatever discomfort they may have had for them to wear the things.

I can say that even though this is in no way a CPAP machine, it is (sort of...) attached to my face and I've been able to fall asleep with it there. Maybe trying this little thing out was worth it after all, and the nineteen bucks isn't a total waste.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Hiding In Plain Sight...

 Of course, the sunflower plant was there the whole time. I just didn't see it. Then, as if overnight, the sunflower plant exploded.

Now, it's almost the tallest thing in our backyard.

That's the thing about yard's never ending. Literally. Each year we've been able to take care of more and more of the space that needs de-weeding. The goal is to have less work to do in the yard as time goes on. Thank goodness for the fabric ground cover to deny the weeds any light.

We have a garden in the backyard and that's where the sunflower plant grew and grew. We'd been trying to stay ahead of the weeds, but this summer, it was a lost cause. We had many issues that came up this summer...a wedding, a grandchild, you know...the basics. Every time I saw a weed get big, I'd pull it.

But, I missed one.

Personally, I love sunflowers. They're happy flowers, fun, in a word...sunny. For now, we're letting it continue to grow skyward. The flowers are now sprouting which is good for bees, and it looks nice. We will be taking it out of the garden when we take out all the plants in the fall, so it will be eventually go. I'm hoping next year I'll be more on top of things. Then again...

Since the plant was so sneaky, it's earned its right to stay. Well done.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

You Never Know What You're Going To Get...Unless You Do Some Research, Of Course

 It seemed to take our new flowers a long time to get here. When we put together our front yard, we decided to plant flowers. We bought some spring bulbs and planted them in the fall. We waited half a year before we saw them.

They were worth the wait.

This spring, we happened upon more bulbs. I didn't know what kind they were, but we planted them anyway. Had I done a little research, I would have known. The starts sprang out of the ground relatively quickly, then we waited...

And waited...

And waited...

The stalks grew and grew. I wondered if we'd get any flowers at all, but eventually, the flowers arrived.

They weren't what I expected.

Now, to be honest, I had no idea what they would look like...maybe like tulips or some of the other spring flowers we have. What we got are beautiful, spiky things in vibrant colors.

It's been fun waiting to see what would eventually show up in our little flower patch. It's one of the funner things of gardening.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Introducing The Younger Generation To...Jeremy, Richard, And James

My wife and I found ourselves watching the early episodes of Amazon's Grand Tour. We'd seen most of the newer season offerings, but we missed many of their first couple of years. Grand Tour, and before it, the original Top Gear is one of the most entertaining shows on TV. Usually, after dinner, the kids return to their rooms to work on their projects. Lately, though, our youngest..

Sat in and watched Grand Tour with us.

Now, he's hooked.

And, why wouldn't he be?

Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May are an almost perfect entertaining trio. Their personalities, incredible writing, and beautiful cinematography create a trifecta of fun. My wife and I have enjoyed Top Gear for years and years. We tried watching the later renditions of Top Gear, including the American version (which we liked...), but the cannot hold a candle to the original.

Currently, we're watching the Lockdown episode where each chose an enormously huge 1970s American car for their transportation. Another classic.

We'll soon run out of shows for our son to watch, which will be sad. I'm hoping there will be more seasons for all of us to enjoy, but I'm glad we were able to convert at least one of our children to the miracle that is Grand Tour. Happy to know our parenting hasn't been a complete disaster.