
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Behold...Pretty Much Our Entire Harvest

 A few weeks ago, I took a picture of a singular nectarine. Then I posted the picture on social media with some snarky comment about it being our pre-windstorm harvest.

I guess nature got the last laugh.

Right now, on the ground underneath the tree lie several fallen nectarines. 

We live in an area with clean air, it's a major reason we moved here. Clean air, however, comes with a price. The price is wind. It's darn windy at the top of the valley. Previously, we lived in an area famous for winds. It was not uncommon to have 100 m.p.h. plus winds from time to time. When those hit, trees--usually tall pine trees--would fall, shingles lost, fences and trampolines destroyed. 

Here, it's different. The winds are not as severe, but they're more constant. I think we could power our entire house just by wind power. We knew the winds were coming, we just didn't pick the fruit in time.

This was the first year our nectarine bore fruit. To be honest, it looked a little strange...not fuzzy as nectarines usually are. Maybe it's a first-fruiting thing. I don't know.

Yes, I made a lame joke about the single piece of fruit being  our harvest. Turns out, that was pretty much it.

Friday, September 29, 2023

I Was Shocked...SHOCKED, I Say, At Sam's Club

 My wife and I traveled the next county over to run some errands. We found ourselves at Sam's Club right around lunchtime. We weren't sure when we'd be traveling home, so we decided to grab a bite to eat.

I came away, shocked.

Shocked, I say!

For those who already know, what shocked me is nothing new--you already know. You know that the food they serve at the front of the store, namely, pizzas, pretzels, pizza pretzels, ice cream, drinks, is some of the cheapest food around. 

The increase in food has come around slowly, so much so, you don't notice it like you would if you fell asleep and woke up two years later to find everything--EVERYTHING--costs so much more. Food, gasoline, clothes, cars and car parts, it's all out of control. I'm old enough to remember when I could feed dinner to my family of six people (granted, the kids were young...) for between $10 and $15. In the fifteen years since, it now costs between $40 and $50. Just for my wife and I to eat used to cost us about $3 per person. Now it's $5 to $6.

Yes, I know I'm coming off as "Old Man Screams at Clouds," but it's true. We just accept the risen costs and move on. Today at Sam's Club, I stood in line, ordered two pieces (big pieces, mind you...) of pizza, a soft pretzel, and a large drink (large drink, mind you...). The worker told me the amount and I laughed...laughed out loud.


I understand Sam's Club is a membership establishment. We pay for the opportunity to step inside, even if we buy something or not. Because of that, we subsidize the cost of everything, even their deli food. Still, on a quiet Friday afternoon, I was hit with news for food reminiscent of days gone by, of a time when you can get lunch for two for less than $3 per person.

Shocking, I know...

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Happy (Belated...) Birthday, US Air Force!

 Last week, on September 17th, the United States Air Force celebrated a birthday.

I've always had a fasciation with the air force. I credit a few things for this. First, I grew up a few miles from an air force base, Hill AFB, specifically. I remember seeing, then hearing fighter jets scream overhead...F-4s, then F-16s, now F-35s. Though I never seriously considered enlisting, if I did I think I would have tied joining the Air Force.

The second reason the Air Force interests me is because for years--decades, even--I thought my father served in the US Air Force during World War II. This was perhaps the greatest reason why the Air Force fascinates me. Now, if you know anything about the United States involvement in WWII, you know that the US Air Force did not exist during the war. Before the Air Force existed, air corps belonged to the Army, Navy, and Marines. My father was assigned to the Army Air Corp.

For a child growing up without a father, I think I was drawn to things associated with him. Whenever I see WWII footage or see a picture of a B-17, I think of him.

Happy birthday, US Air Force. The world has entirely changed since you were born. I wonder what you'll see in the next seventy-six years.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

If You Want To Feel Old...Ask Gen Z If They've Ever Seen A Wind-Up Watch

 I have a side gig where I work with people of all ages. Part of my job is to speak to visitors and guests, make conversation, find out about them. Sometimes, you discover some surprising things.

Like finding out how old you are.

Case in point...I was chatting with some high school students. Part of my job is to wear a nice three-piece suit. It's a pain in the hot weeks of September, but great when things get cold in October. The teenagers commented on how dapper I looked. I then pulled out my pocket watch to see how much time was left until the show (where I work...) started.

"Wow--you even have a cool watch," one of the youngsters said.

"Thanks," I said. "It's even a wind-up watch."


They looked at me as if I had lobsters crawling out of my ears (classic film quote reference...). 


"You know, a watch that doesn't have a battery."

More crickets.

The next couple of minutes I explained that before battery-powered watches were invented, watches were wound up in order to keep running and they even came in wrist watches. I didn't go into detail that this is how humanity kept time for centuries.

I know as I get older, all the things from my youth are turning into antiques. I also understand that many kids have no reason to own a watch in the first place. I've seen videos where teenagers try to figure out  rotary phones, Sony Walkmans, even being surprised when they see a car without an automatic transmission, but not having them know about or understand a wind-up watch...

That made me feel really old.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Hotel Was Great...Just Can Never Sleep Well

I thought about something today. I've stayed in a hotel room three times in the past fifteen, twenty years. I don't stay in the rooms much, but there's something I know...

I can't get a good night's sleep in a hotel/motel room.

It just doesn't work for me.

The room was great. They put on us on the eighth floor and everything was new and shiny. The staff was great and the food (when I had breakfast...) was delicious. But sleeping, well...can't blame that on the hotel.

I think if I traveled for work and had to stay in hotels as part of the gig, I'd get used to sleeping in beds not my own. At least, I hope so, especially if I had to drive as part of the job. Because I needed rest for FanX, I was worried as I lay in bed in the middle of the night not being able to go back to sleep. Eventually, I did get some rest and was ready for three days of being on my feet.

Because I stayed in the room for more than one night, things did get better and I was able to sleep a little more each night. Like I said, I think if I did it more, things would improve, but because I don't see my lifestyle changing any time soon, I doubt that's going to happen.

I guess it's just one of those things for me. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

Marcanum X...The Dude Worked It At FanX

I have had the unique opportunity to book/see some of the most unusual acts available in our area at our local comics convention. I oversee the vendor floor stage acts at FanX and have done so for years. It's an honor and I love getting to know the performers and I will never tire of seeing the reactions from the crowds. 

It's so much fun,

This year, my responsibilities changed a little. Usually, I know, or have spoken to, every act before they take the stage. This time, there were some newbies. One in particular stood out to me...

Marcanum X.

I'd never heard of Marcanum X, and had he not performed on our stage, there's a good chance I never would. You see, Marcanum X is a hip-hop artist. I know as much about hip-hop as I do about the engineering it takes to reach the moon. Sure, I've heard a famous hip-hop artist name or two, mostly because they make the news (often not because of their music...). 

Marcanum X was our con's first hip-hop artist. When you're the first at anything, you're a trailblazer. I've seen it before, people in the seats not quite sure of what to make of this new act. I love our audiences--they are respectful and I believe, they recognize passion. Marcanum X definitely has passion.

He stood on our stage for almost an hour and sang song after song, all originals. I was at a disadvantage for several reasons. First, I don't know his music, either his specifically or the genre in general. Plus, I was sitting behind the speakers so I wasn't able to catch many of his lyrics. 

But I did see how hard the man worked. He rocked the stage, he didn't let up, and he sang his songs. Even though I'm not a fan, I can definitely appreciate that. If you want to know more about Marcanum X, you can learn more about him by clicking: HERE.

I don't know if he'll be back--it's sort of out of my control. But, if he does, I hope others get to see what I saw...a genuine performer. 

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Give Thanks...Changes Are Coming

 It's interesting how people connect with one of the four seasons. People will say they're either winter, spring, summer, or fall people. I can understand the draw for each part of the year. Without doing any research, I'd conclude winter has the fewest fans, and maybe summer has the most. I'm highly suspect of those who claim summer as their favorite...those with the ability to enjoy all that summer provides.

For me, it's fall, autumn...

And it's not even close.

For as long as I can remember, I've loved when the days shorten, the temperatures fall, clothes shelved months earlier now reappear. Shorter days means leaves turn and eventually fall, and those darn mosquitoes die.

There's also an energy in the air, the holidays coming, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years...each holiday has a different purpose, each has a different spirit. Yes, the season brings challenges, but everything of value does. Many hate the cold, the snow, the lack of sunlight...those that hate the fall never tire of reasons for that hate. 

Because it's my favorite time of year, it seems to take forever to arrive. That first college football game comes slower than Santa Clause to a child. Eventually, however, the wait is over and the fall equinox passes. 

When I see leaves turn, I celebrate. It's one of the first signs of change. I'm thankful for the change. I'm thankful to see the start of an another autumn. I pray for the opportunity for many more to come.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Made A Goal...Reached It

 My wife texted me early in the week. She found a ton of food at the grocery store. The food was on sale and she bought it in preparation for this weekend. After seeing all she purchased, I made a goal, and I can now say, I reached it. The goal...?

To not spend a dime on food at this years comic convention.

Anyone who has gone to an event where thousands of people are basically held captive for several hours understands that food vendors have got it made. You've got so many people and deprive them of food for those hours, they get hungry, and when they're hungry, the cost of the food diminishes. The longer the wait, the more they can charge.

I'm not faulting the vendors. They're in it to make money. It costs a ton of money to bring the food to the masses. This year, because of the food my wife bought and some careful planning (and a fridge in the hotel room...), I reached my goal.

In the past, I've had other goals when it comes to FanX, Salt Lake City's comics convention. I usually make a goal not to buy any books, artwork, or other amazing things found at the convention. Lack of money usually allows me to keep those goals, but food is a different story.

Next year, with proper planning, it's possible I could replicate my year's goal. 

Time will tell, of course.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Primordial...It's Amazing

 Yup, I rode it. The ride that felt like it took forever to open finally has.

It's amazing.

To make sure the ride was safe, several employees were called upon as guinea pigs for testing, something I was fine with. I gathered with others and we climbed aboard the cars. They lowered the safety harnesses and off we went. 

There was a day when I loved roller coasters. Then, as the years have passed, something within me changed. I don't do coasters like I once did. Primordial fit me perfectly. If you want to know what it's like (without giving everything away...), think a ride that is a combination of Disneyland's Space Mountain and Disneyland's Toy Story Midway Mania. You're inside a mountain on a roller coaster, but also seeing incredible visuals with the opportunity to blast the baddies from the comfort of your car. The seats rotate to give you different perspectives and the ending is not the same for everyone.

Right now, the lines are massive. I know the park wanted to open it sooner, however, it's open now. I spoke with a patron tonight who said the wait was significantly shorter than it was last week.

Whether you go during Frightmares this season, or wait until next year, you should check out Primordial... 

It's amazing.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Dear Facebook Marketplace...Just Let Me Find What I'm Looking For

 I came across a local yard sale on Facebook Marketplace last weekend. I showed my wife some of the photos posted with the listing, and I made note of the address.

A few hours later I was asked about that particular post, so I thought I'd check Marketplace to pull up the post and provide the information. Problem...

There's no way I could find it.

Darn algorithm. 

You'd think it would be easy to find. I first checked the posts that were listed for the day. It wasn't there. I then tried several searches...nope. I even put in the exact headline of the post as best I could remember and I got nada. Even if I didn't remember the post headline exactly, it should pull up the post. It is so frustrating, mostly because I had forgotten the address (that's on me...). You'd think they would want me to find what I'm looking for. I guess not.

Maybe it's not the algorithm's fault. Maybe it's something else. All I know is that if I don't "Save" it, it'll be gone forever. Today, I did another internet search for yard sales in Tremonton. It pulled up a sale we went to last month. Another question--why is that even on there? I'm guessing the person who posted it did not take it down, and I don't believe if I showed up this Saturday, it would be a "fun" Saturday for the people who listed the sale in the first place.

I don't think I'm asking for much...a simple search engine that will allow me to find something I saw only hours earlier on a particular phone app.

Then again, maybe that is asking too much.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Calm...Before The Con

Right now, hundreds of booths await the masses. The booths range from completely stocked and prepared, to untouched with only chairs, a table, and a sign. By tomorrow afternoon, the relatively quiet in the hall will be replaced by noise, the sound of thousands of feet shuffling across concrete floors, the sounds of laughs, cries, screams, will envelope the space, drive out the quiet. 

It's comic con time again.

And many of these people, those setting up, will do this all again next week...only the location will change. 

I've been involved in this particular comic con for ten years. The first one opened my eyes, not only to what is possible when thousands of people work together toward a common goal (a successful con...), but to a life I never knew existed...the life of the traveling artists. I remember that first show. I mooched some table space for my books--actually, they were anthologies in which I had stories. During the down times, I found myself wandering among the aisles, chatting with vendors, discovering more about them.

It's a modern-day traveling carnival. 

Not everyone at this convention travels. I don't have the numbers as to those who live here and do this and a few shows each year and those who travel city-to-city, state-to-state and do this for a living. Those that do travel the country--a different city/con each week--fascinate me. I can't imagine that life, but I'm sure many of them can't imagine doing what I do...sit at a desk for forty hours a week, fifty-two weeks a year.

It's all about perspective.

I have the upmost respect for what they do. It takes hard work, determination, and something else...courage. It's not a life for the timid, that's for sure.

In a little over twenty hours, the floor will come to life. Commerce will commence. Goods will be exchanged for money, either cash, credit, Venmo, PayPal. It will be a long three days. Right now, however, it's the calm before the con. There's a beauty in that, too.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Puns, Bad And Dad Jokes...Told By A T-Rex

 I think it was a theater friend who posted the first joke-telling t-rex comic that I ever saw. I loved it from the start. Of course, it's been years since that first comic came across my social media feed. I can't remember the joke.

But, does it really matter what the fist joke was? After all, puns, bad and dad jokes are classics, meant to be bad--the worst. In fact, the more bad the better. Tonight I did a little digging and found the Instagram site for standup_trex. You can access all the posts by clicking: HERE.

I haven't read all the posts. I'm sure there are some that border on the inappropriate (as with almost everything nowadays...). I suppose you've got to weigh the good and the bad.

Puns, bad and dad jokes get a bad rap, IMO. If you boil down most jokes, they could be considered one of the three. Most sitcom jokes could be considered dad jokes. I've done zero research into this subject. I'll bet there's a doctoral thesis out there that dives into the issue of dad jokes and tries to answer the question of if they are beneficial to society or not. That might be interesting reading, actually.

If you like the brand of humor brought forth by a member of an extinct species, check out Stand Up T-Rex on Instagram. They're not all winners, but when he's gold, and I dare say, worthy of a tear.

Monday, September 18, 2023

A Photo Tale Told Twelve Hours Apart...

 I had an interesting twelve hour period last week.

It began at 2:30am. 

Actually, it began several hours earlier. That's when the power went out. It was around 10pm. All of us stumbled around the house, lanterns in hand. Since the outage occurred around a time when we retire for the evening, we went to bed hoping the electricity would return before long.

At 2:30am, the power had not yet returned. Something else did return to the house...that maddening sound of a smoke alarm going off. It was in the basement and our son woke us up to notify us of the sound. I grabbed my lantern and a few batteries to solve the problem.

Once we discovered and fixed the problem, I returned to bed.

Fast forward twelve hours. I got up at my normal time and started to work. After a few hours in, it was apparent I was not felling well. I decided to take a half-day off and get some rest. I climbed into bed complete with the necessities (remote controls, AirPods, and most importantly, tissues...). When I looked at the clock, it hit's been twelve hours, so...

I snapped another photo.

The two pictures create a photo tale told twelve hours apart.

I didn't promise a great tale, now did I...?

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Give Thanks...Being Asked To Help

I found this picture from a outdoor lighting website. I was looking for a theater marquee. Why? Because I was asked to audition for a show. The auditions were yesterday and I turned it down.

It breaks my heart.

Even though I've only been part of one theater community, I imagine it's the same if I lived in Boise, Fort Wayne, or Bangor Maine...the theater community is family. And you do for family, including help out and sacrifice.

I began my community theater career in the summer of 2000. My son (who was five-years old at the time...) and I decided to audition for A Christmas Carol. We made the cast two weeks in, the show was changed to Scrooge. We did the show, loved it, and returned the next year and did the same show again. Since 2000, I've been involved in perhaps twenty community theater productions as either an entertainer or director. It's been a huge part of my life, but things have changed...

Things always change.

I think because I was reliable (and less because of my talent...), I have several times been asked to either audition, or to replace someone in a show already in production. Almost every time, I've stepped up and helped. Some of my most prized memories are from those shows. I've made life-long friends and had experiences I'll cherish forever.

I remember in one of my last community theater productions, a cast member made the decision that this would be his last show. I remember hearing him say the words, and I couldn't believe it. How could such a talented performer just walk away? I asked him during one of those times when it's just him and me and he explained that he wanted to spend more time with his family and his business. He didn't say he would "never" do another show, but he just didn't see it happening. To my knowledge, I believe he's kept his word.

The request to audition for a Christmas show came last week. Amazingly, it's for the same production of A Christmas Carol that my son and I auditioned for twenty-three years ago and directed by someone from that original production in 2000. I LOVE that show, the music is wonderful, the people in the theater organization are simply the best, but I'm twenty-three years older now. Plus, I no longer live ten minutes from the theater.

Theater is family, and I feel like I'm letting my family down. They'll audition incredible actors for the roles and audiences will love what they've done with the story. It will literally change people's lives. I'm honored as ever, to be asked to come and audition, and it hurts to decline, but perhaps the greatest pain come from the realization that one day--and perhaps it's already happened--the requests to audition, the asking for help, will stop. I'm grateful to have been asked. I'm grateful for the trust others put in me with each show, each situation. I'm a better man for it.

Like my fellow cast member said, I'm not saying "never again" but I just wonder if there will be another time when I'll say, "Yes."

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Evan After Twelve Years...I Haven't Figured Out Blogs

 I'm confused. This is not new--many things confuse me, but when you do something for twelve years, something you do every single day and have done so every single day for more than a decade, you'd think I would have figured things out.


Case in point, this blogging thing. Yes, I've blogged daily since January, 2011. When I first started blogging, I used to check my stats. It was fun seeing how many clicks I got, how many views. I even tracked where the people lived who checked out my blog.

Time goes on and the excitement began to fade. That happens when fewer and fewer people check out the blog. I've explained before that I'm okay with declined clicks. One of the biggest reasons for writing daily is exactly write daily. I made the decision that I would keep a daily blog regardless of who reads it. It sounds strange in this world, but, well...there you have it.

For the past several years, I'm averaging between ten and twenty views for each post. If I write about someone's passing, or a major life event, those number go up. When I write a post, like this one for example, they go down. Fine with me. Yesterday, because of my second gig, I don't return home until close to midnight. I could write the post at my second gig, but I've decided to write my post before the second gig begins, then I can just share the link on social media. The system works well. I'm doing that right now with this post. It's before noon and I'll be done.

Yesterday I wrote my post just after lunch. When it came time to post to social media, I had six views. That doesn't sound like a lot--mostly, because it's not a lot, but those six clicks came from people I didn't reach out to. I have no idea how they found the site. I don't think I have any subscribers--maybe I do. It's confusing. You'd think after 4620 posts, I'd have figured things out.

Apparently not.

If I cared, I would dig into this, find out how someone came across my post without me sending out the link. Then again, it doesn't really matter. It's not worth the effort. I hope, whomever they are, enjoyed what they saw. That is, after all, part of the reason I do this.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Top Of Utah...The Water Is Fine

 A few weeks ago, I found myself driving on a dirt road a few miles from the Utah - Idaho boarder. Depending who you ask, there's not much up here, unless you count open fields, desert grass, and bugs. 

However, it's stunningly beautiful.

Even though I live in the most amazing time of humanity as far as technology and developments go, I envy those who first entered the valley, the first human eyes to spot the land unfurl before them, most likely atop a horse or even on foot, the things they must have seen.

Funny thing is, from where took the picture from my phone sitting in the passenger seat of a mid-2000 Japanese minivan built somewhere in the southern United States, the scene I saw was pretty much exactly what someone would have seen in 1850, or year 500. Of course, I'm not a historian so I don't know what would have changed due to mankind or other historical factors, but when I sat in in the van and snapped the picture, I could imagine the view looking similar.

I used the picture as my day's Pic Of The Day with the caption that it showed the top of Utah. For some, it's just weeds, distant mountain peaks and clouds. For me, it was a link to the past, a past lacking so much of what we have but also a past that had so much promise, so much awe and wonder.

The top of Utah...the water (and by "water" I mean, life...) is fine.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Forgot How Great "It Happened One Night" Is...

 Last night I found myself in my room with a TV, a remote control, and a wide-open option as to things to watch. Since there was no sports on last night (or no sports I wanted to watch...), I searched the available movies. The selection was less than stellar. But I did happen upon a classic...

It Happened One Night.

If you're not familiar with the movie, it's from 1934 and stars Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert. The film was grainy, had poor sound, and the channel on which I watched had commercials...not your optimum conditions for watching a movie. Didn't matter, the writing and acting makes up for it.

It Happened One Night is a story about a woman running away from her life, mostly from her fiancee. She meets Clark Gable, a journalist and regular Joe, on a bus. It's the ultimate "meet cute." Due to some circumstances, the two end up traveling together across the east coast. As they travel, they bicker, they fight, they get to know each other until, in the end, should see it.

It's the original rom-com. I'm sure there were others that came before, but this one does it so well.

I first learned of the film at college when I took a History of Film class. I loved that class. I learned so much about films and came away with a huge appreciation for the craft. The film is so simple, but executes the story so well. The dialogue and acting are wonderful.

If you haven't seen it, check it out. If you like the romantic comedy genre, it holds its own with what is being produced today. It Happened One Night continues to entertain for almost one-hundred years. It did again last night.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

You Can Always Spot A Reader...

Last week I met a reader. Now, I didn't know she was a reader when we first met...there are so few around nowadays. However, after talking with her for a minute or two, it became evident.

She loves to read.

What gave it away? My friend told her I was a writer. I've been introduced as a writer before. Most of the time the news is met with indifference--not disrespect, but they might think it's cool to be a writer. The written word isn't that important to them. No, she stopped and asked some follow up questions. 

"What do you write?" 

"What are your favorite genres?"

"What do you like to read?"

That last question is interesting. It's assumed writers are also readers. I have been more of an active reader in the past--it's something I need to do more. She is correct, though. To be a successful writer you need to be an active reader.

I told her I got my masters degree in English and to do so, I read a lot of book, mostly classics. She is currently reading some classic literature. I asked if she liked reading fantasy or speculative fiction. She said she's not read all that much, but would like to read more.

I had the perfect book for her.

The next time I saw her, I dug up my copy of D.H. (Dave) Butler's amazing Witchy Eye. If you've read it you know the level of writing found in its pages. 

I don't know if she'll like it--she may hate it. I hope not. Since she's a reader I'm almost certain she will appreciate the writing, even if it's not her cup of tea. I've never met anyone who has read Dave's books who didn't respect Dave as a writer and craftsman and wordsmith.

Hopefully, she'll finish the book soon. I'm anxious to know what she thinks. If she likes it, there's two more book waiting for her in the wings.

For a reader, that'a heaven.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Post The Picture, Or Not--I Mean, How Can I Not...?

 Social media's a strange animal. It's a place to brag, to complain, to share news whether or not anyone wants to hear it. It's like being able to produce a Family Christmas Letter every day of the year.

Some are more prolific than others.

I access social media more than some, but definitely not more than others. I'd like to think I'm striking a proper balance...not too much, not too little. Because I post something every day, I see things every day. I see friends post pictures of their vacations, their kids as they head off to school dances, their pets, their kids at graduations, even what food they eat. 

I'm guilty of doing the same (except for the school proms pictures...).

I try to limit what I post. I could post more, and I could post less. The other day we had the family over and I snapped a photo of our grandson. Now, I could post pictures of that little treasure all day long. For us, he's the greatest thing--even surpassing sliced bread. Because I've seen friends post pictures of their grandchildren, I know why they do it and I understand the desire to get those adorable pictures out there.

But, should I be posting those pictures?

I could ask the same question of other things. Should I post pictures of my family at the beach when many people would love to go to the beach and are unable to do so? Should I post pictures of my kids and now grandkid when others would love to have children and grandchildren in their lives and are unable to do so? I've thought about this a lot, especially when I see photos of friends on vacations I'd love to visit, or at concerts I'd love to attend. I'm happy for them--I really am. It's fun to see my friends having a good time.

The picture was adorable, baby asleep aside some apples. It's one of billions of photos posted that day. But for us, it's so much more than a much more. How can I not post it? 


Monday, September 11, 2023

No Way Ole Kirk Christiansen Could Have Foreseen This...

 Last week, my son-in-law got a Lego set for his birthday. It's not your grandfather's Lego set.

It's spectacular.

Those little plastic bricks have come a long way in almost one-hundred years.

Like most of us, I grew up with Legos. We didn't have a lot of them, but back in the day, they were just blocks. You could build a house or other structure. I remember some wheels so you could build a rudimentary vehicle. But, a school of wizardry?

No way.

I suppose Legos have evolved as most things. Technology creates plastic magic and the company's done well. Not only can you build miniature Hogwarts, but you can also visit Lego amusement parks and ride rides--not made of Legos--but made to look like they're made of Legos.

I believe the Danish carpenter who started making wooden toys in the 1930s would approve of the direction the company has taken. After all, a maker of toys has a goal of entertainment. I know my son-in-law's latest project was very entertaining.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Give Thanks...For Another Season

 It's Sunday night in September which--for me--means a couple of things. Another season of Lagoon Amusement Park's Frightmares has begun, and...

I'm exhausted.

I worked for Lagoon years ago, decades ago. In 2014 I returned for a show in the summer and ended up working for Frightmares, their Halloween extended season to the park's year. 2014 was my first year. I've been back every year since, except 2020 when covid caused our show to be canceled. Since then, I returned for the 2021, 2022, and now, 2023 seasons. 

Even though I'm doing the same job, I am getting older. It takes me a little longer to get to the job, and takes a little longer recuperating when the shift is over. There was a time when I could work an additional twenty hours on top of my regular forty and not feel it. I'm afraid those days are gone, at least, from how I feel after my first weekend of the new Frightmares season.

Before one of our shows tonight, I chatted with the ticket agent assigned to the show. Both she and I have done community theater so we know the joy being involved in a great show can bring. With this show, Seance, they pay me, so it's a win-win.

Tonight I'll go to sleep and how to have a good night so I can wake up ready to take on my other job. Working two jobs is not the toughest thing in the world--many people do it. 

Before our show began this weekend and before the Halloween season officially began, I walked down an empty path, devoid of anyone else. The park is really a beautiful place at times, like last week. Of course, when it's packed with people having a good time, there's a beauty in that as well.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

That First Time...Your Child Turns On To The Interstate

 It's time...

Doesn't make it any less scary.

We have four children, two of which are drivers. They completed their required driving hours, took the test, and got their licenses. They're both good drivers. I spent many of those driving hours with both of them. Now, our third driver has gotten behind the wheel--it's his turn.

As parents of multiple children know, no two are alike. They have different likes, dislikes, habits, idosyncrasies. Also, they drive differently. Both my wife and I have taken turns taking out the child. He is getting better and better every day.

Today was the day to drive the interstate.

We live in a rural area. For some reason, we have several interstate on-ramps and off-ramps close to our house. It's the perfect place to test the waters. I wanted to make sure he was comfortable with it, so I asked. He said he'd like to try. We drove down the street and turned right.

Truth be told, I shouldn't have been worried. And, I wasn't too worried in reality. But, the thought of a non-licensed driver flying down the road in excess of 70 m.p.h., can get to you.

We got on the freeway with no cars/trucks/motorcycles behind us. We took a turn a mile or so down the road and exited the interstate a few miles after that. I asked how he felt. He said he felt pretty good about it and that he'd done a good job. He was right--he had.

We drove around town, then tried the interstate another time. Once again, he did well.

It was time. It didn't make it less scary.

Friday, September 8, 2023

The Grapes Of Social Media...

 My neighbor, Kim had an incredible row of grape vines. I remember talking to him one day from across the property boundary. He said he got a start from some wild grapes that grew up the canyon. Now, it's been a few years since we had that conversation so I may be mis-remembering some of the details. One thing I'm remembering correctly was the row of vines in his yard. They were healthy and produced a lot of fruit.

Last year my wife wanted for us to start growing grapes. We found two very small plants and stuck them in the ground. I put up a bamboo pole by each and hoped for the best. This summer, spring we noticed tiny round objects growing from one of the plants.

We finally had our grapes.

We are admittedly in the early stages of this process. As anyone knows, anything can come along and wipe out our entire wouldn't take much. We're hoping to aid the plants and help them grow, maybe even get a few more and have an entire wall of healthy fruit-producing plants.

Something surprised me the other day. I posted a picture of the first bunch of grapes I picked on social media (posted a picture of the grapes, not a picture of me picking them...). I post at least one picture on social media every day. I've been doing it for a while. Most of the time, I'll get a few "likes" and even a comment or two, but when almost a hundred people took time to acknowledge my photo, I find that interesting. 

Clicking a "like" is a simple thing. I do it all the time. If you find these kinds of things interesting, too, grow some grapes and post a picture on your social media feeds. If I see it, I'll definitely "like" it.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

What Is It With Accordions...?

A few weeks ago, while at an estate sale, they had an accordion for sale. It was smaller, kind of beat up (when I picked it up, the front plate next to the keys fell off...) and they wanted $100 for it. I asked because there's something about accordions I like. I used to like them more. 

Back in the day, my sister and I played the accordion and took lessons. I even participated in a concert of fellow accordion-playing children at the U of U Special Events Center (the present-day Huntsman Center...) with special accordion legend Myron Floren, November 5, 1919 - July 23, 2005. Years later as a teenager, I traded my accordion for a bass guitar.

My accordion was nice. It would most likely cost several thousands of dollars today. The guitar, by comparison, probably wasn't worth more than a few hundred.

Makes me wish I'd have kept the thing.

Then again, nope.

Knowing me, it would just sit there waiting for someone to pick it up.

First I saw the accordion at the estate sale. Lately, I've been seeing accordions pop up on my social media feeds. I'm sure it's the algorithm because I clicked on one. It makes me with I had one. Maybe I'd pick it up from time to time and try and re-learn the keys and buttons. Maybe I'd even be brave enough to pay it at social gatherings. 

A few problems with that...even if I picked it up and practiced, we really don't go to social gatherings. would be cool.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Voting Time...Time To Vote

 My, how things have changed.

It wasn't too long ago voting meant getting in your car, driving to the polls, standing in line until it's your turn to enter a little booth and cast your vote. I know that the percentage of people who vote is relatively small--especially in off-year elections. I always thought many people didn't vote because of the pain it was to get in your car, drive to the polls, stand in line, enter a booth, and cast a vote.

Now, it's so much simpler.

We got our ballots in the mail a few weeks back. Each person over eighteen received one. On Labor Day I filled out my ballot and yesterday (Election Day...) I got in my car, drove to the ballot drop box at the senior center, and dropped it off. Easy as one, two, three.

This was only a preliminary election. We chose three people to serve on the city council...not votes for mayor, congresspeople, or president. I wonder how many people did the same.

I don't know which candidates won/lost in our local election. I'll do a little research and see if the three I chose were also voted in by the public. Even though it was a small election, it was important. And even thought I do enjoy the ease of the new system, I miss standing in line, seeing neighbors doing the same thing as you, even chatting with them. It felt good to go into the booth and make the decision...

Also, no "I Voted" sticker.

Bring back the old days!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

A Field Of Green And Yellow...

 My wife and I were talking the other day when the subject of sunflowers came up in conversation. It's an odd topic, sunflowers. Thinking back, I don't recall if we actually saw a sunflower, but something sparked the flora discussion.

"They say," my wife said, "that an increase in sunflowers signals a harsh winter."

It's the kind of phrase that makes one think, Did I know that? Had I heard/read that somewhere before? I don't know the answers to those questions. I do think I've seen a lot of sunflowers this summer, and if the saying is true, we're in for another tough winter. Last winter was rough, mostly because of a side gig our family had last winter, a gig of snow removal for a retirement community. We shoveled driveways and sidewalks for two years. The first year, we were called out four times. Last year, it was almost a weekly thing. It was a harsh winter--don't know if we could do it again.

Tonight on a drive we passed a field of sunflowers, comforting greens and brilliant yellows. The wind whipped the flowers from side to side as if trying to capture my attention...

It worked.

Soon, the cooler temperatures, the shorter days all spell doom for the flowers as it has for thousands/millions of years. Next year, even after the harshest winter, the flowers will return to fields, home gardens, sidewalk cracks, and open spaces least, in our part of the world.

Green and yellow, the colors of citrus fruits, the colors of the University of Oregon, one light, one dark...not similar, but they look great together.

Monday, September 4, 2023

He's Retired...And Just Doesn't Care

 Saturday morning, we ran errands in the morning. I stayed in the car while others patronized the local Family Dollar. For me, the store has its pluses and minuses. What I do like about the place is when you know they have something you need, it's a good store to visit.

As they were inside, I looked west at a older American sedan. I had actually seen the same car at another business when we ran an errands before going to Family Dollar--such is life in a small town. I noticed when I saw the car previously, it was parked in a handicapped spot. At Family Dollar, he parked in another handicapped spot...

Sort of.

It's a little difficult to see in the photo but the car is no where near being inside the lines. I watched as the driver, an elderly gentleman, climbed inside "not his grandkids's Oldsmobile" and drove away. I thought, "Heck, he's retired and doesn't care."

Now, I do not know with one-hundred percent certainty that the man is retired. He might be still working. He might not be handicapped himself, but perhaps his spouse is. And I really don't know if he actually cares. He may care quite a lot and only parked the way he did because it was early on a Saturday morning and no one else was at the Family Dollar, except me as I waited in the van.

I suppose I shouldn't judge, but with something so inconsequential, maybe it's okay.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Give Thanks...The Game Is Back


It took long enough to get here...that's why August is always the longest month, longer than December, longer than July. It's August. But, give thanks and celebrate because the wait is over.

The games have begun.

It's no secret I'm a college football fan. Every since I started attending games at the University of Utah back in 1987. I watched some games before, but I wasn't a fan. Not until I was a student and went to Rice Stadium back with the second-tier seating on the east side, back before the most recent renovations or the winter olympic renovations. It was a bleak time to be a Utah fan.

Times have changed...

For the better.

Those who follow college football were treated to a feast from Thursday to today. Incredible games, huge upsets, and a perfect 12-0 for the soon-to-be dead Pac-12. Thursday night, millions of people across the country watched the men in crimson and white beat some gators from Florida. For the first time in years, I actually watched the game, live, as it happened. For me, it's a huge change. Normally, I'd record the show then watch it if Utah won. I'm not sure if I'll continue to do that. Hopefully, I will.

I'm grateful it's September. I'm grateful the games are back. Now, just keep cool and enjoy the ride.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Loving These Autumn Skies...

 Over the past couple of days, we've had a front-row seat to some of the most beautiful skies. Even tonight when I took out the dog, the southern skies were incredible. 

I count myself very lucky.

I've captured sunrises that fill the sky, and sunset as well. Plus, one day the clouds in the west looked like they were found in the opening credits of The Simpsons, or, like the clouds from Toy Story.

Another time I captured a huge cloud to the north, enormous while puffiness filling the northern horizon. I couldn't help but snap a picture.

I've stated it many times, one of the things I knew I would miss about our little house on the hill where we used to live were the incredible sunsets we saw almost every night. Our vantage point allowed us to see sunsets over Antelope Island and Farmington Bay (back when it held water...). I have been overwhelmingly surprised at the views we get from where we now live. The entire sky--in each direction--opens up and fills the space. It's wonderful.

I know me. I know that I will continue taking photographs of skies that blow me away. And because I know me, I know I'm going to continue to share many of them with all of you.

Just like today.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Once In A Blue Moon...

 I've seen so many incredible photos of the super blue moon from earlier this week. We checked it out ourselves...definitely worth seeing. I snapped a photo or two, but my phone camera couldn't capture how amazing the moon looked. Oh well...I guess I'll have the memory with me.

Even though it's not the best picture, I do like it. If you focus on the house and driveway at the bottom of the photograph. When you have shadow in a picture taken at night and the only source of illumination comes from the moon, you can tell it's a bright moon. 

I know there are ways to get better shots of the moon, even with a phone camera. I could have dug out my Nikon and tripod and really tried catching the moment. But, I have enough experience with my Nikon and tripod that I know the pictures would have turned out pretty much the same as the one you see here, or even worse.

I saw a headline that mentioned this week's super blue moon. They said it was the last super blue moon until 1937...

That's a long time to wait.

So, I guess we'll have to just appreciate the beauty and awesomeness of what we saw this past week.

Once in a blue moon.