
Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Danish Easter

Being Easter, I thought a lot about Jesus Christ today. This made me think of Denmark. I had a missionary companion that said whenever he thinks of the Gospel, he thinks of it in the Danish language because when he was a kid and a teenager, church wasn't a priority. So when he learned the Gospel, it was in the Danish language.

I rummaged through more of my basement treasures and ran across a couple of slide (yes, slides...if you don't know what they are, ask your parents...) and I scanned them into my computer.

When I first got to Denmark, I had my first member dinner at Bjarne Jakobsen's house (we had so few meals with members--not their fault, believe me--that I actually remember most of them...). His kids were so little back then. He found me on Facebook recently and on his Facebook page he posted a picture of his family. His kids are no longer little. I remember his wife saying that she had seen the Christus statue in SLC, but not the one residing a few miles away in downtown Copenhagen. I thought that interesting. Here's the original:

Another original is this painting (sorry about the photo quality...) of Carl Bloch's Peter's Denial located at the Danish National Museum in Hillerød. It's up north, but the drive from Copenhagen to Hillerød is so beautiful (when the weather's good, so good luck with that...). I highly recommend it if you're in the area. You can see the end of one painting and the beginning of another--both Carl Bloch originals.

We decorated Easter eggs one Easter when I was there. This is Elder Todd Johnson (I wish I knew where he was--it would be fun to re-connect with him). I believe the Danish flag Easter egg was one of mine. I could be wrong, but I know for sure that the egg closest to him, the green one that looks like a car (a VW Bug, to be more precise...) is mine. I always make green VW Bug Easter eggs whenever I get the chance.

This last picture is that of our ward house in Fredricksberg. The building still remains, but it's no longer a ward house, but an LDS temple. I love that building I forever know as Priorvej. I took this picture during common Danish weather (see weather tip about driving up the Danish coast mentioned previously...).

Denmark is a wonderful place. And I doubt many think of Denmark and Christ very often together. But there are times when I do.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun reflective post. I love the pics and the stories that go with them.
