
Thursday, September 4, 2014

I Think LightSticks Are Basically The Coolest Thing Ever!

I saw a LOT of cool things today, but I think the coolest thing I saw was one of the smallest things I saw. It's a little invention called, A LightStick.

But first, a little story. I caught the train to Comic Con this morning and then a TRAX light rail train to the convention hall. I thought about walking, but decided against it. Sure I had to wait a few minutes, but that was okay.

Had I not taken TRAX, I would not have walked to the convention and struck up a conversation with a guy dragging a large suitcase on wheels, basically a vendor. I asked what he was selling, he said Star Wars stuff. I found out where his booth was and so I made it a point to go see him once he was set up.

I'm glad I did.

You see, what Spencer Brinkerhoff III invented is so cool! And so simple! And so cool! Basically you pick a color of lightsaber then position it in front of a cell phone camera. Turn on your flash and take the picture. Suddenly, a normal picture becomes an FX event!

People holding lightsabers, or having lasers fire out of guns or out of thin air! It's all possible with LightSticks! You can find out more at his website: HERE.

So if you're at this year's Salt Lake Comic Con, go to Artist Alley and track down the table at Red 1 and talk to Spencer. Cool guy! Cool invention!

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