
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mechanized Masterpieces: An American Anthology...The Book Launch!

It's a humbling experience to have a story chosen to be published. Almost two years ago it happened to me for the first time. I submitted a little story--one I'm still proud of--and it was picked, edited, revised and included in a terrific anthology.

It was a blast then.

And it's a blast this time, too!

On Saturday, February 28, 2015 beginning at 8pm CST, Xchyler Publishing will officially launch Mechanized Masterpieces: An American Anthology, and we're inviting everyone to join us for the launch party! Just log onto Facebook and follow the link: HERE. If you've never participated in a book launch from Xchyler, they are great! There's contests, prizes, quizzes and a chance to chat with the authors who wrote the stories.

Here's a breakdown of the stories:

My story is the second-to-last, Mr. Thornton. It's a steampunk retelling of a character from Jack London's Call of the Wild.

This Saturday night, skip the movie! Save money and by not eating out--just grab a pizza and log on to the book launch for Mechanized Masterpieces: An American Anthology! It's WAY more fun!

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