
Monday, June 29, 2015

They Resurrected One Of My Favorite Shows...BattleBots!

We found out a few weeks ago that the show BattleBots is coming back. Last night we watched the first episode and I loved it!

But what I didn't expect were all the memories the show brought back. I hadn't realized just how much I had missed that show.

The premise is simple, if not a tad over-dramatized. Teams of battle robot builders pit their creations against the others in a battle to the death (or the death of the machine...). They try, and I guess, succeed, at creating a pro wrestling atmosphere. I'd love to take my kids to see a taping.

Several years ago BattleBots were a common site on TV. Why this latest incarnation brought back so many memories is because many of the same people are competing in this round. And those who were not competing back in the day remember fondly how they used to watch the original BattleBots and dream of one day creating their own fighting machines. I'm glad they now have the chance to do so.

I do worry a little bit that this cannot be more than just a fleeting thing. I don't know if this type of show has staying power. I know it did for a few years anyway, but eventually people got bored and the show was canceled. I'd like to think this time it will be different, that it will last beyond just this summer. I guess time will tell.

But for now, we'll have some epic battles, at least for a couple of weeks. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts!

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