
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Kevin J. Anderson's "Clockwork Lives"...One Of The Best Books He's Ever Written!

I should say from the outset that the quote, "One of the best books [Kevin J. Anderson] has ever written," is not my quote.

It's Kevin J. Anderson's.

That made me sit up and take notice when I saw his post on Facebook yesterday. Because if you know anything about Mr. Anderson, that's quite a statement. Sure, the author could be tooting his own horn, but he really doesn't need to--he's earned the right to be able to judge what's good and what's not as good when it comes to writing.

I've written about Kevin before. Back in 2012 I heard him give a keynote address at the LDS Storymaker's Conference in Provo, Utah. As he spoke of his accomplishments I was amazed at how many books he had written and the incredible experiences he had while writing them. His stories of dealing with George Lucas and his contributions to the Star Wars world alone will blow your mind.

I had no idea that a few years later I would be having lunch with him in the Green Room at a Salt Lake Comic Con. Each time I've seen him since then he's been more than gracious to me--always friendly with a smile and a strong handshake.

I've read several of his books since first hearing him speak. If you've also read his books you know how good they are, and I've only read a few of the genres in which he writes. Few authors writing today can be successful in more than one genre. Kevin has mastered a dozen or so.

The announcement on Facebook was for us fans to help spread the word about his latest project. He wants to paint the internet Red! I'm trying to do my part. And I haven't even talked about the co-author, Neil Peart! The man's a rock god!

Hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to get a signed copy of this book when Mr. Anderson comes to town. If you're attending the Salt Lake Comic Con this month, I would highly recommend doing the same. Even though I haven't read this book, from what I do know about the man, when he says it's one of the best books he's ever written, I believe him and I know I'm in for a great reading experience.

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