
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Happy Birthday Son...Hope it was great!

Our youngest had a birthday today. During the past week more than one asked us how we felt that our "baby" was getting older.

And, to be honest, it makes me a little sad that our youngest is getting older. This year is a big year for our son, big changes for him.

We had a birthday party for him on Thursday. He wanted to go bowling, and hey--who doesn't want to go bowling? Exactly. We had a blast. He got to invite his friends. My son and I were able to get done with work early so we could participate. The bowling was fun (except for a few hurt fingers...) and afterword we took everyone out for dinner. Today we had another birthday celebration, this time at his grandparent's house where we had a great dinner, delicious desserts, and presents.

But the question of how we felt about him getting older keeps coming up. And I thought about that as I watched him on Thursday and again today. Sure, he's getting older--we all are. And yes, we'll miss him being younger like we've missed all our kids as they've grown. But just because we're missing that shouldn't impact him. I remember when I was his age. I was excited about the new things taking place. Of course, I wasn't the youngest child in my family so maybe I didn't catch the "Oh, aren't you sad your son's getting older?" vibe that I know my son's heard. 

So I'm going to not think about how my son's birthday affects me, but rather, will try and focus on how he's doing, what he's feeling. After all, it's his birthday today. Happy birthday son!

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