
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Saying Farewell...To A Sweet Soul

I woke yesterday to the news. It's been almost two days and it still hurts. We lost an amazing person on Friday, someone who, if you've ever met him or been in a show or choir with him, you'll not soon forget, which makes his passing that much more difficult to accept.

I first met Parker during a crazy week in my life. I was asked to do a show which opened five days after another show I was in closed. Luckily, the director had faith in my abilities and it all turned out fine. That's when I first met Parker. Normally when you do a show, you get a couple of months to learn not only your lines, but blocking, harmonies (if it's a musical...), and the other cast members. I missed out on a lot of that, but in the short time I was with my cast, I got to know Parker.

How could I not?

I never saw him down. When not on stage, his smile filled a room. He always--and I mean, always--greeted me with a "hello" and a strong handshake. But when on stage is when you saw another side of Parker. He was all business. That's why I love this picture. To me, I see the serious side, the side of him that shows his commitment to making any production he was in the best possible. Even in rehearsals, he never gave less than 100%. 

Many of his friends have posted on social media of his spirit which was immense. I completely agree. They also expressed their extreme sadness at his passing and how they'll miss him deeply. I completely agree with that, too. There are some people who communicate to your soul. They transcend the mundane and see life in a way few can. I wish I could see life the way he did, see people through those eyes. What an amazing world that would be.

Sleep well, my friend. Until we meet again.

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