
Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Couple Of My Favorite Cosplayers I Saw/Didn't See This Weekend...

Me, and a hundred-thousand others, got together over the weekend. We met up downtown Salt Lake City, milled about, spent more money than we should, did more standing than sitting, and met amazing people.

People attend these events for different reasons. Some show up to see/meet famous people. Fewer go for the panels. Some just love watching people. And many many go to give those people something to see. They're cosplayers, and many are definitely worth the price of admission.

I've only attended Salt Lake's Comic Con, but photos from other conventions across the country and world show pretty much the same thing, cosplayers have a desire to pretend, pretend to be someone else, feel something different, or just get the respect of fellow attendees. After attending these events since 2013, I've seen a few great cosplays. This year's con (that ended yesterday...) didn't disappoint. In fact, there were two examples I especially loved--one I saw, and another I didn't.

On Thursday, Day 1 of Salt Lake Comic Con, I saw Bob Ross (not the original...). I told him he looked great, asked if I could take his picture, which he agreed. He then, in a move that the original Bob Ross would have approved, surprised me by asking me if I wanted to paint. That was cool. I didn't do much to the painting--I only added a small smiley face. Not only did I get his picture, but of the painting as well.

The second picture, my personal favorite actually, is one I was unable to see in person. My friend Kannon Survoss decided to go with his little brother as Calvin and Hobbs. Kannon made the costume himself. We tried finding them--we looked and looked all day Thursday but he eluded us. Too bad. Thankfully, someone connected to Comic Con snapped his picture. I would include it here, but it's not mine--it's the conventions. You can access it: HERE, on their Facebook page. If you haven't seen it, it's definitely worth seeing.

I've talked to several cosplayers over the years and one thing they love to do is to top whatever it was they did previously. I know they will, but it's hard to imagine topping these. I guess we'll just have to wait to see what amazing things they come up with next time.

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