
Saturday, June 8, 2019

TrekBalls...An Amazingly Awesome Idea!

Over the years I've had a lot of ideas that pop into my head. Most seem like great ideas, but fade over time. The good ones, the ideas that may actually make money...well, a lot of them got developed by other people. And even though other people had the same ideas as me, I'm glad they took the risks and went forward with their inventions.

A few weeks ago my friend mentioned a new product, something he created, TrekBalls. 

And it's incredible!

If you're a hiker and hunter, you've got to get this. Two plastic devices attach to hiking poles and with a simple twist, your poles become a gun steadying tool. He's set up an IndiGoGo account to fund his invention. You can access the IndiGoGo page: HERE.

What I love about Jeff's invention is its simplicity. Once you watch the video and see how simple it is to operate and how functional it is, you'll want to help fund this project if this is something you can use. 

Not only is it a cool product, I applaud my friend for taking a chance and going for it. So, if you, or anyone you know, might be interested in TrekBalls, please click on the link and donate, and pass it along to your friends. It really is a great product and it deserves to get as much exposure as possible. Check out TrekBalls and help support a good man and a great product!

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