Sunday, October 6, 2019

Closing Time...Chapter 6

This is a continuation of a story began October 1, 2019. Find the first of the story on the right side of the page to read the story from the beginning.

Chapter 6

She felt her lift force ebb away.

Amber fell, first to her knees, then her whole body lay on the cold cement of the police station parking lot. The black fog continued to surround her. Somehow the blackness contained Todd's essence, and what she felt raised questions in her mind. This wasn't the Todd she knew, the slightly quirky co-worker at the restaurant. This was an old soul, a troubled soul, an evil soul.

The thought that this awful person would prove the cause of her demise made her mad. She didn't know how, but she refused to allow this creep to win, even if she had to die in the process.

There was no way he was going to win.

"Get off me, you damned creep!" Amber screamed.

Something happened. Something changed.

The darkness that held her down lifted, and for the first time in what seemed like ages, Amber drew in a huge breath.

"I said, get off!"

Finally, Todd released her. His form rose then re-appeared before her, back where he once stood. Slowly, Amber pushed herself up from the ground. She stared up at Todd, no longer afraid of who or what he was.

"What's wrong, Todd?" Amber said. "Didn't you say it was time for me to go? Why don't you finish me off? You too scared, or weak?" Amber continued rising. She now stood on shaky legs before her adversary.

"Shut up," Todd said.

After a moment's silence, Amber said, "Shut up? That's all you got--shut up?" Amber took a step toward Todd.

"Man, you're even more pathetic than I thought you were" She took another step. "I'm going to ask you again--what's wrong, Todd?"

Amber saw disgust and hate on Todd's face. She wondered why he didn't just attack her like he did Bret. Maybe he couldn't, but if not, what was stopping him?

The two stood facing each other, Amber not knowing what to say, not knowing why Todd wouldn't do something, or at the very least, say something.

They both heard the car before the headlights illuminated both of them. The vehicle's tires squealed as the car turned from the city street into the parking lot. Whoever was driving was aiming their car directly at the two, and he wasn't slowing down.

Amber noticed the headlights were higher off the ground than a regular car. This must be an SUV. As it came closer, Amber jumped to avoid it crashing into her. She landed on the hard cement and rolled. Todd didn't move. The SUV hit Todd and sent him flying into the glass doors of the police station. The driver locked up the wheels and a green Land Rover slammed to a stop.

Bret opened the door.


  1. Oh Scott, this story is messing with me!

    1. The story concludes tonight, so you won't have to wait long for the end! :)
