
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Announcing A Shoe Blitz...For The BEST Reason Possible!

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Got any extra shoes you don't need and would like to get rid of?

Want to help change the life of a family, literally?

You can do both this Saturday. Just donate those old shoes.

You may be thinking how can donating gently used shoes change lives? Simple--when a family is adopting a child with special needs from overseas and they can use your support. You can access their Facebook event page by clicking: HERE. In addition to doing something AWESOME, by donating, you can win FanX passes and other giveaways.

On a personal note, I've gotten to know this family over the past year. The easy choice would be to not go through something like this. But they know it is something they need to do. I marvel at those who are willing to sacrifice for others. And, as an adoptee myself, I know first-hand what it's like to grow up in a home with shelter, security, love--all because others chose to give of themselves when they didn't have to.

There's not a lot of times when I wish I had more. I try to live a life where I'm pleased with what I have--because I have been given so much, but there are times--this being one of them--when I wish I could do more, donate what they need. But I guess life isn't always like that.

If you can, I know this family would love the help. Click on the link and get the details. You'll be given up something, small things like shoes, but the rewards will be great.

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