
Saturday, September 12, 2020

One Loft Bed W/Desk...To A Good Home

For the past two days, we've held a yard sale at our house. Yesterday was a bust, but this morning...well, it more than made up for it. We've held yard sales in the past--this one was our most successful.

There's a couple of things I've learned from this latest adventure:

1. No matter how much "quality" items one has, some people will look, then drive away.

2. No one needs bookshelves.

3. Things we think no one would want were taken.

4. Things we think would fly off the driveway sometimes don't get sold.

5. A Free Pile is extremely interesting to almost all yard sale patrons...especially to those of the male persuasion.

Let's focus on #4. Because we're moving to a home without tall ceilings, we need to off-load a loft bed. It's from IKEA. It's a full and it comes with a desk. And I thought someone would cart if off to make some kid's day. We started off with a price we felt was reasonable. No takers, no nibbles. For Day 2, we reduced the price of the bed (and everything else...) by half. Still nothing.

Currently, the bed is in our garage waiting to be disassembled and taken to our local thrift store.

Unless, of course, anyone out there wants, or think they can use, it. Let us know, and it's yours. You'll have to come get it--we can't deliver. But hurry, our appointment with the local thrift store is next Friday.

We learned a lot from our little sale. Perhaps the biggest thing we learned is this: don't let the crap accumulate in the first place, then a sale will not be necessary. 

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