
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Remembering The Time I Was A Freestyle Gargoyle...Or, At Least, Read Like One

 I remember entering the building not knowing what to expect, but I suppose, that was the point.

The unknown.

A few years ago, I had the honor of participating in a Freestyle Gargoyles event. What is Freestyle Gargoyles, you ask? Good question. Basically, authors read their own original works while an incredibly talented group of musicians provides an impromptu soundtrack.

The organizer of this event is Craig Nybo, amazing author, musician, game creator, businessman, film festival emcee, and all-around good guy. He invited me to be one of the authors for that night's reading.

And I had a blast.

Craig posted on his Facebook page a link to my reading. If you're interested, the video lasts just over 13 minutes and you can access it by clicking: HERE.

If you do click on the video and watch it, I hope you enjoy it. It was fun to write and even funner to perform live. It's also an appropriate story for the Halloween season. Thanks, Craig for the opportunity, and thanks for the reminder of those good times.

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