
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Scenes From A Fair...

This past weekend we experienced the Box Elder Count Fair for the first time.

We'd heard about the fair--we missed it last year--so we made it a point to attend this year. We live in an area where the fair is important, it serves a purpose for so many. It's always fun to people watch. At the fair we could also animal watch. 

Here's just a slice of what we saw. Of course, there was SO much more that I didn't capture or include here. We were sad we missed it last year. We're glad we attended this year, and we're going to make sure we return next year. It was great.


Monday, August 30, 2021

Whoo! It's Going To Be A Lot Of Shows

 My friend and co-worker posted this season's schedule.

Boy--that's a lot of shows, I thought.

It's been almost two years since Professor Black gathered some "friends" together in his parlor. Maybe we did that many shows in the past. I do know that we many times did more shows than were scheduled. It made for long shifts.


The fun we had doing those shows more than made up for the extra time we put in.

Last year, Seance was tabled...another casualty of covid. With so many unknowns, I can understand them not wanting to take a chance on the show. It made sense--we cram as many people in that small room as possible. "The more the merrier," Professor Black would say, or might say, or it sounds like something he'd say. 

That was last year.

2021 is another story.

If you're planning on attending Frightmares at Lagoon this fall, please check out Seance. You have to buy tickets at the venue--it's not included in your pass. And get your tickets as soon as you hit the park. Many times we sell out all shows within an hour (or sooner...) of the park opening. And if you do go, stop by. I'll be the one sharply dressed outside, and if I'm not there, just wait--I'll be outside soon enough.

Whoo! It's going to be lot of shows...

And we wouldn't want it any other way.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Give Thanks...Taylor Hoover

 I have no words that give justice to what others do--what others give--for strangers. Today, the body of a US Marine returned to American soil. He was one of many Americans and scores of Afghanis who died from a bombing attack halfway around the world.

His name is Taylor Hoover.

Tonight, I'm grateful to him and so many others risking--and giving--their lives so I can sit in my living room on a beautiful summer evening and, inadequately, honor his memory.

I ever meet Taylor--I know nothing about him, but he was from Utah...breathed the same air I did. A local news station reported about him in a link you can access by clicking: HERE. He played football at Hillcrest High. I understand he was to be married after his tour of duty in Afghanistan ended, plus so much more.

My father and six of his brothers served in WWII and the armed services. All my life, the life I could comprehend, I've been safe, safe from the hell others are living now. I've lived that life not understanding even though I come from a military family. It never hit home.  

It's been a terrible week for so many. I pray the nightmare ends soon. 

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Welcome Back...My Good Friend

 It's back...

Whether I'm ready for it or not.

Can't stop it, even though a worldwide pandemic tried.

The 2021/2022 College Football Season has begun. the ecstasy/agony begins.

I go through the same thing year after year. I wait and wait--in many ways August is the LONGEST month of the year for a kid it was December, but as an adult, it's August. 

One thing I try to not do every year and I end up doing every year is believe the hype. It generates clicks and I suppose sells newspapers (or used to...). Fans love to read about/hear about/talk about pre-season college football and I guess I'm one of them. It was worse for me, though. I used to listen to sports radio hours upon hours on end. I've stopped doing that. I found that most of the time, they talk on and on and on and on about stuff that they either get completely wrong or they're just trying to stir a hornet's nest.

Right now, Southern Utah is getting run off the field by San Jose State but I don't care. It's college football and it's here. Next week, more local Utah teams play. Let's hope they do better than the southern-most team in the state in their openers.

It's back...

Whether I'm ready for it or not.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Many Hate Them...But I Think Pigeons Are Cool

 Back in the day, kids had hobbies. I am perhaps jaded by what I think young kids do today. I think they all sit in front of computers and play video games. I KNOW that's not right, and now that we live in a neighborhood with a lot of kids, I see them playing outside, running around, riding bikes, even setting up car washes for money.

Those are the kinds of things we did as kids. Without computer games and the internet (heck, even without VCRs...), entertaining ourselves was up to us. What was one thing I did as a kid?

We built a pigeon coop.

And raised pigeons.

Today, my family and I went to our local county fair and had a blast. I'll be blogging about the experience in days to come, but there was one exhibit I loved...the pigeons. It took me back to when not only me and my brother raised pigeons, but many other kids did as well. We had some beautiful birds, different types of pigeons--I've long forgotten the names of the breeds. I was hoping to see some of those amazing birds at the fair, but they were pretty average--beautiful, but average.

I know many people hate pigeons, and they have some good reasons to do so. Many transmit disease, they're scavengers, among other things. But, I really like them. I miss raising them and seeing them fly in the air above our house.

My wife asked me after checking out the birds if I'd like to build a coop and raise pigeons again. In one way, I'd love to, but in another, no. Maybe, it's something kids w/o internet and video games should do. 

But, I'm not saying never say never...

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Personally...I Think It's A Good Look

 In a few weeks I will begin--again--a job at Lagoon Amusement Park. I first started working there when I was sixteen years old. I could have begun when I was fourteen, but I waited. I worked for three years, then when I returned from my mission I worked a season on the Gardens crew and the year after that while in college, I started my favorite job at the park...

Pioneer Village Stuntman.

Great job.

I then took a long break...20 years, actually. 

Since 2014 I've been involved with the Entertainment Department in one capacity or another. It's been a great way to earn a few bucks--especially during Frightmares, the park's Halloween celebration. Last week I attended a required training and I took a picture of the poster proclaiming to the world that the park has "a look."

I actually like the look.

Lagoon is an amazing place--it really is. Some people diss it because it's not Disneyland, but that's unfair. Only Disneyland is Disneyland. Lagoon is what it is and the park is a testament to perseverance. They come back year after year and people still keep going to ride the rides, play the games, and eat the food. 

I know some people who have had less than positive employment experiences there--that's true of all places, I suppose. I've been lucky to have fantastic employment experiences, especially while wearing a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, a 22 revolver on my hip, and falling 25 feet into a pile of hay.

Unfortunately, that Lagoon Look is long gone.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

I Mean, What Did We Ever Do Before Dog Memes...?

 My friend and I play a little game via text messaging. We see if we can one-up each other with different memes. Yesterday, the theme I chose was dog memes.

Crazy adorable.

I know there are memes for every animal--even fictitious ones--out there. As with anything, some are great and some are not-so-great. Such is life. But, and I use these pictures as great examples, these dog memes work so well. 

In my humble opinion dogs work extremely well for memes because they're so expressive. I also think they're so expressive because they're natural empaths. When they chew up a throw pillow and there's fluff filling a room, they look embarrassed and ashamed because they feel what the owner is feeling. They know when they're in trouble because we relay that to them. The opposite is also true--when we're happy and excited, the dogs can't help but join in.

It makes for an almost perfect model for our funny, inane, stupid, brilliant, and obnoxious sayings.

I'm sure we'll pay more texting games. I have no idea what the next topic will be. Could be dogs...could be turtles, or an old favorite, The Simpsons. That what makes it fun, and dog memes makes it nearly perfect. How did we ever get by without them? 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Took A Walking Tour...

 Yesterday, after work, I decided to go on a walk.

I need to do more walking, so I thought yesterday afternoon would be a good time to start. And because the late afternoon temperatures are starting to drop to human levels, it was time to leave the house, earphones in ear and podcast on phone. Of course, I couldn't leave the house without taking a few pictures.

I thought I'd share a few of them.

I saw more things, but I showed some restraint, both in taking pictures and sharing. Maybe I'm maturing.

I hope so...

Monday, August 23, 2021

Travis Ching And Shay Allred's "The Thirst Of A Loving Trunk"...A Book Review

 Friday, my wife and I found ourselves in an amazing little bookstore in Brigham City, Utah. It's called Three Goats Gruff. It's part bookstore and part antique store and an incredible treat for the eyes.

It's also where we met Travis Ching and bought his book, The Thirst of a Loving Trunk.

It's delightful and the animations are lovely.

We stopped by the bookstore to meet another author, one I've known for years, Frank Cole. If you know Frank, you know when you attend one of his book signings, you'll be met with a fun, engaging, and personable author. We didn't know he'd be joined by someone with the same qualities.

The Thirst of a Loving Trunk tells the story of Atheena, a young elephant and her family as they travel the countryside in search of water. The story is perfect for children and those that read it to them. But, I think the drawings is what hooked me. They are wonderful.

You can find out more about Travis and the book and even order it by clicking his Amazon website: HERE. If you're looking for a sweet story your young ones will love--especially if they like elephants, this book is definitely for you.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Give Thanks...What A Three-Car Garage Taught Me

 One of the first things that blew us away when we checked out our new house was the size of the garage. It was--and is--huge! Of course, we came form a one-car garage home and we lived in that one-car garage for seventeen years. To us, tripling the space for cars was amazing

After moving in we used the garage as storage space until we could unpack everything. Eventually, we cleared the space for the van, then my daughter's car. And it stayed that way until this month when we finally added a third car into our three-car garage.

That's when I realized something.

It's easy to judge others.

An explanation. For years, I'd see people with double and triple car garages and somethings their garage doors would be up and I would see, not cars, trucks, or motorcycles, but stuff...lots and lots of stuff--so much stuff that they parked their cars in the driveway because there was no room for them in the garage.

Having never had a large garage, I could not understand why people would allow their garages to fill up with so much stuff, they didn't have room for the cars. I'm not judging them anymore. Because, for the first time, I understood that it's so easy to fill up that space with things, other than cars. It's so easy to just put something down and forget about it because it's out of the way, forgotten almost. I'm grateful I was able to see the perspective from the other side.

I hope I never judge anyone again the way I once did. It's easy when you don't have something to judge those who do. Maybe that's a good way to look at other things, too...

Not just three-car garages.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Ah...Small Town Living

 I came across a post on social media a few weeks ago...something that caught my eye since I now live in a small town. It seemed the perfect title for that small town living.

"Does anyone know someone with a 3 legged dog? It was just found - I have details for the owner."


I can just imagine someone sitting on their porch, or just inside and they see through the window a dog, but this is no ordinary of it's limbs is missing.

"Isn't that unusual," I can imagine they might say to themselves, or perhaps to another within earshot. "That's something you don't see everyday--a three-legged dog." So, they turn to social media to see if they can find the owner. Because the owner of a three-legged dog might be anxious to find said dog if said dog were missing.

Alsok, social media works exceptionally well for reuniting an owner of a missing three-legged dog and the three-legged dog itself.

I did not find out if the reunion took place, but I'd imagine it did. I mean, how could it not? 

For those of you following this blog, you know my family has relocated to Northern Utah, to a town of a few thousand. It's also known that we moved from a town that once was small, but is not bursting at the seams where thousands upon thousands now live. If you're thinking that this three-legged dog was spotted in the small town in which we now live...

You'd be wrong.

The dog was lost and found in the sprawling growing city where we once lived. Which, for me, made the story even more interesting.

Ah...small town living.

Friday, August 20, 2021

The Rain Washed It Away...

 We spent SO much time this spring and summer having rocks delivered to our house and putting them in our park strip and to the north of our house. 

Tons of rocks.

It wasn't until this week we were able to see what they actually looked see their actual colors.

Why'd we have to wait so long?

It's because the rocks were covered with dirt and dust.

These rocks were buried in our yard, and the yards of two of my neighbors. They were dug up when we all put in our lawns. We live on a very rocky hill. Thanks to some kind neighbors with heavy equipment we unloaded the rocks in a somewhat organized manner and waited.

We waited for the rain.

Th rocks really were gray, all gray. But, after our wonderful two-days of rain this past week, we finally got to see them. And they look beautiful. We are in a drought and the water is SO needed. Cleaning our landscaped rocks isn't the most important reason we need rain, but for a little house on or hill, it made for a wonderful surprise.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Wrist Art...


It started with a simple nylon band. I actually found it in a grocery store parking lot. I went home, washed it with soap and wore it around. I wore it until it stretched--so much so--I can no longer wear it because it just falls off.

But something interesting happened when I put it on.

I liked it.

Now, I'm not one for jewelry, far from it. I wear my wedding band and that's about it.

After we moved, I came across another thing to place on my left wrist...a memento from my father, something he picked up in WWII. It has an US eagle with the word ENGLAND and E.T.O on one side, and U.S.A. and 1945 on the other side. On the underside is written "With Love" in cursive. My guess is it's something a G.I. would have picked up for a girlfriend/wife (or both...). A little research told me the E.T.O. stands for "European Theater of Operations." My dad'd not around for me to ask him if he picked it up as part of a B-17 crew while in England, or maybe he got it later.

The last item to my collection I bought--the only one I bought. It's a band with small what appear to be lava rocks and mini-carved skulls. I like it because it shouldn't stretch out so unless the thin wire connecting them all together breaks, I'll be okay.

It's been more than a year since I started displaying my wrist art. So far, I've continued and I'll probably keep going with it. Like I said, I'm not much for jewelry, but I guess a little is okay.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Speed Of The Storm...

 Funny, the things you learn on a rainy windy summer day.

Like, for example, that the radar trap down the street from my house. I did not know until this morning that these things detect the speed of not only moving vehicles, but the speed of rain.

I started driving toward the speed trap and it was going crazy. I stopped the car and began videoing what I was seeing. Now, I may be wrong and it was going crazy because it was malfunctioning for some other reason, but I think it was actually detecting the speed of rain as the wind blew toward it.

Funny, the things you learn on a rainy windy summer day.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Coolest Thing I Saw At Our Little Town Museum...

 Last month my wife, mother-in-law, and I visited a little museum in the town we now call home. It was not the largest museum I've ever visited (not that I've visited many...)--no, far from it. But, it captured a feeling that exists here...the agrarian culture, the harsh conditions, the pioneer spirit that built the community.

Though small, the space had many interesting things. Looking back at my saved photos, I took pictures of two items...a quilt covered in VW beetles, and an old typewriter, an Oliver Typewriter, an Oliver No. 9, to be exact.

A brand I've never seen before, and--by process of elimination--the coolest thing I saw in the building.

Years ago I watched a show about the invention of the typewriter and how groundbreaking it was. I think most would agree that it was an important invention, but something they said in the show told me just how amazing the invention it was. They said that for the first time in the history of mankind, the typewriter allowed words to be written that did not require a human to touch the material being used. So, before the typewriter, a person had to actually use an implement to write on paper, rocks, canvas, whatever it was. After the typewriter, a person touched a key that touched the paper.

Maybe it's not the coolest bit of trivia out there, but it has stayed with me since then.

Maybe the typewriter wasn't the coolest thing I saw that day. I thought the Oliver was interesting enough to take not one, but three pictures of it.

Monday, August 16, 2021

An Apt Morning Photo...

 It seems everyone on social media has posted a similar picture, at least were I live. We've been hit with the residue of numerous fires to the west...the smoke is chocking. It makes for some other-worldly visions, something that might be seen on the surface of Mars.

I thought it an apt photo for not only the day, but for the time.

The world woke up to the horrors that mankind can inflict on each other. Looking east and barely seeing our sun rise above the Wasatch Mountains is the way I met my day.

My friend and I were chatting via texts at work today. We discussed our weekends recently passed. We both mentioned the smokey air outside. I told him that the sky would clear one day--hopefully one day soon. I wonder if people will take pictures of a clear sky and a bright sun once that happens. Maybe...but then, we'll probably take it for granted, as we often do.

The news of the day is always bad--you just have to look hard enough and you'll find it. Some days are worse than others. The opposite is true as well. There's good news out there every just have to look a little harder to find it. I hope the air clears soon.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Give Thanks...Baseball, Or The Thought Of Baseball

 Iowa ad baseball have been in the news recently. It seems the biggest of the big leagues played a game recently at the site of the 1989 classic film, Field of Dreams. When I recently saw film clips of the field, pre-game, I expected to see the small unassuming baseball diamond nestled in a corn field with the farmhouse in the background.

Well, things have changed.

And so, it seems, has everything else.

A few days ago, I watched Field of Dreams while I worked out on breaks at work. I forgot how wonderful that film is. Like many things associated with America and "Americana" today, this film might not even be made today. Things have changed since 1989. One of the main points of the film is that there was a time when things were wonderful...and they could be again. At least, that's something I got out of the film.

Watching Field of Dreams while our country has many serious issues was eye-opening. Today, it's almost as if forces are trying to deliberately destroy things that are good, things that are meaningful to people. The writers, actors, directors, and producers of this film seemed to want to make a film that highlights the good in life. And I applaud it.

I don't watch baseball on TV or attend games in person. Then again, there's a lot of things I don't watch on TV or see in person. I could watch the games, of course, but I've chosen not to. The game has turned into several games under the banner of "America's Past Time." Interesting phrase...past time. For me, the present-day product requires me to focus on things other than the game.

I'm thankful that something has existed for almost two centuries that has provided untold hours of enjoyment, enjoyment that has transformed into nostalgia and memories. It's happened to me--I played the game as a child--I watched amazing games since. Watching Field of Dreams reminded me of how great--not only the game can be--but also our country as well.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

The Goodness Of Others...

 Driving past our old stopping grounds today we ran across something really cool.

Something to help others.

I've seen Little Free Libraries before, but today we saw a Little Free Pantry. What a wonderful thing.

This structure took some time to build. The builder obviously wanted to make it last, make it survive the heated summers and the harsh winters. Inside were items people need, food, hand sanitizer, and books which I would imagine contain recipes. 

What's cool about this is they didn't have to do it. They could have just stayed inside and never took the time to build it or provide the things people need. Even if they had items inside and even told people who needed things to stop in and pick them up, going to the trouble means something else, something special.

I didn't say long enough to see if they're accepting donations or if the owners stock it themselves. Either way, it's a testament to the goodness of others.

Friday, August 13, 2021

What Do Your Neighborhood Kids Do To Earn A Buck...?

 They tried for days to get us to stop...once even coming across the street with cardboard sign in hand as I turned into my driveway. They returned to their corner to try and flag down other drivers. But, when we pulled out our old Vibe, it needed a car wash and the young entrepreneurs were back with soap, water, and enthusiasm.

We took them up on their offer.

I think whatever we paid the pair was worth it for the entertainment value alone.

They were Hilarious!

If you notice in the above picture, there's a chalk drawing on the street. That's where they directed me as I pulled up to their organization. That's when they went to work. These two little car washers threw water and soap at the dirt and the thin veneer of dead bugs almost completely covering the front of the car.

I got out of the car and told them how happy I was to patronize their budding business. They told me not to worry--that they do a good job, and as proof they turned my attention to the Ford pick-up parked directly in front of my car that they had just finished.

"We do a good job," one said. "We cleaned that truck--we couldn't reach the top of the hood, but the rest of it is clean."

And it was (except for the top of the truck's hood...). I went home and came out a little later to see how they were doing. That's when I took a short video. So funny. I came out a little later and the two were walking to my house, literally soaked, water and soap squishing with each step. We all walked across the street and I once again congratulated them for their hard work. Of course, the soap still on my hood will one day wash off (at the next rainstorm...) and that's okay. I handed them their hard-earned money--even including a tip--thanked them again and laughed as I drove the washed car home.

What a wonderful experience.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

When You Can't Do Anything To Help...

As I do most mornings, I logged onto social media and saw a post from a friend.

It was horrifying.

I met my friend in the winter of 1985. Since then, he has gone on to do amazing things. He's served in the U.S. military and was stationed in Afghanistan years ago. Since he and I are not too close--he lives in the midwest and I haven't seen him in decades--I only see what he posts on social media. In following his posts for years, I knew he had worked with several translators in Afghanistan. Today he posted a note he received from one.

And since he hasn't posted an update, I wonder if my friend's friend has been killed.

I read the post sitting in my home office. My family still slept as the sun rose above the mountains to the east. I was relatively safe. No one was invading my town, or worse yet, at my front door prepared to kill me and my family. What makes things even more horrible is my friend is waiting to hear from his friends to see if they are even alive or not--all he can do is wait.

I don't claim to have any answers. I don't know the politics, the issues, the pros and cons. But I do know, if I were on my computer one morning and friends from across the globe were telling me they and their loved ones were about to be overrun and may not survive, it would be devastating...the uselessness of it all.

I pray for my friend, and for his friends.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Following The Ghost Hunters...

 I spotted the magazine as my wife and I waited in line at one of our local grocery stores. Usually, we walk right up and fly through the check-out. This time, the place was busy (we arrived at the end of the work day...) and so we waited.

While we waited, we spotted the magazines.

One caught my eye...


Yes, Ghost Hunting.

We love the stuff.

I can't believe we've been watching these reality shows since they first hit the scene in the mid-2000s. Back then there was Ghost Hunters, and the British equivalent, Most Haunted. That one was way over-the-top many times. We know about the shows. At least, we think we know. The one we most watched, Ghost Hunters, was upfront about what they did and why. For most of the hour-long episodes the audience saw mostly nothing. But, it was cool--in a way--to be with these people as they searched homes, barnes, theaters, and bars. We also got to sit in with them as they shot the bull while on their adventures.

Many call the shows cheesy, and they kind of are, but we don't care.

The magazine cover featured Amy Bruni and Adam Berry, two investigators who started on one show and now has their own, Kindred Spirts.

We watch that one, too.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

My Learning...There Is No Learning

 I don't know how things used to be done, but I do know how this particular part of employment training is done now.

It's all online.

And we do it year after year after year.

For purely practical reasons, the online training is amazing--I'm sure management loves it. You send out links to every employee and the software tracks each employee to make sure they've completed the training and logs how well they've done if there's a test. It really couldn't be easier. I imagine my employer can show to interested parties that ALL of their employees have completed training on important subjects like emergency situations, harassment at work, and so forth. In addition, all new training and policy updates can be distributed to everyone.

As I see it...there's only one problem.


I've been completing these online trainings for years, so much so, that even though we're only required to do the trainings on an annual basis, it feels like I'm doing the same trainings every couple of months. And the trainings get easier and easier the more times I take them. Doesn't that miss the point?

The trainings show up every couple of months...a few at a time. I try to get them done as soon as I can--I hate having them hang over my head. When I'm done, I get the message that's in the above photo.

My Learning

There is no Learning.

There's probably a message in there somewhere.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Bryce Davidson...Support Your Local Mayor

 I lifted this picture from a friend's Facebook post. We no longer live in the town in which our friend and former neighbor is running for mayor so we don't see the yard signs or the fliers or the messages posted around town.

I've got to say, my friend has guts.

It's a job I would not all.

It was on one of our return trips to our old neighborhood and everyone seemed to be outside doing things. It was so much fun catching up and seeing how everyone was doing, even though we'd only been gone about six months at that point. It was then we learned of our neighbor's plans. Ambitious, challenging, and maybe a little nuts.

I haven't had a lot of experience with local government, and the little we did have centered around developing our family land. It took years and so many city counsel meetings to see it finally come to many. It turned me off to ever wanting to run for local office or get involved in that way. The process was, at times, nauseating. It makes my friend and his family's decision that much more impressive.

Bryce is a good man. This alone shouldn't be his only qualification, but anyone who enters public service should begin there. He's not been on city counsels or other local counsels before. For many, this is a huge plus. For others--a huge negative. But, as I see it, if you drink from the same pool, you'll get the same product. If you like the product, then why would you change? If you don't,'s time for a change. If you'd like to know more about Bryce, you can access his information by clicking: HERE.

We no longer live in the city limits, but so many of our friends do. It matters to them, so it inadvertently matters to us. I hope--win or lose--it doesn't change him or his family. Knowing him, I don't think it will, which is the mark of a quality candidate.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Give Thanks...Sunrises

 Last November, our church leaders admonished us to post positive messages on social media and use the hashtag #GiveThanks when we did. I believe the original goal was to do this for one week. I gave it a try and enjoyed the experience, so much so, I decided to dedicate one blog post per week to something for which I am thankful. And I chose Sundays as the day to #GiveThanks.

I've tried to keep up this tradition for the past several months. There was a week or two I forgot and just posted a regular blog post--no big deal, but I've tried to make it a point to thanks is important. I find it grounds me. Plus, I get to think about life in a more positive manner.

Looking back on the past couple of weeks of photos I've taken, one stood out--a picture of a sunrise I snapped as I started my work day. It's not the best sunrise picture. I'm pretty sure I've taken more spectacular sunrise photos, but I still like it.

I'm grateful for beautiful sunrises. I don't catch them all, and if my office weren't on the eastern side of my house, I'd miss them (I'm not a "get up before dawn and exercise" kind of a person...). Having that eastern-facing window gets problematic as the sun rises higher--I have to close the blinds--but it's worth it.

Tomorrow, I'll wake up, fire up the computer and start my work day and work week. I might be fortunate enough to catch a beautiful sunrise, or not. But I do know, if I wait long enough, another one will light the morning sky with fire, and I'll give thanks once again.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

It (Was) All Greek To Me...

 What caused the most confusion is I could not figure out had I did this.

Last week, I picked up my Mac and began an internet search. What I saw made no sense. I know I create typos from time to time, but this was way beyond was a whole new language.

Turns out is was Greek.

I've learned that when I am confused by something while on the computer, it's almost second-nature to pull up a new search engine page and see what the earth's collective knowledge knows about my problem. Almost always, I can find the answer I'm looking for. Of course, this time, even though I knew what I had typed, I would not have understood any of the search results.

I wasn't too worried...I knew this was a simple fix, and it turned out to be exactly that. All I had to do was go into System Preferences, then click on "Language" and remove the unwanted language. 

Solving it was easy. Trying to figure out how Greek became the computer's primary language was the intriguing part. I still have no idea how I did it. Unless there's some shortcut I did by mistake, adding another language is a semi-complex operation. I may never know how it happened.

The good news is I re-programmed my Mac to operate in a language I can understand and manipulate. At least if it happens again, I'll try and remember what I just did to cause it to happen in the first place.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Today's Communications With Friends...

 So, I was a little bored today. We thought we might go for a drive, but looking outside and not being able to see the mountains ten miles away, we thought it best to just stay home and watch the Olympics and other stuff.

And send funny memes to my friends.

For the first meme I did not figure out the puzzle. I cheated and looked at the comments. Of course, once I figured it out, it made complete sense. I'm debating if I will share the secret on this blog post...

The second picture(s) I thought hilarious because it's a real situation faced by my wife and daughter all the time. Unfortunately, I do not represent the lion with the luscious mane--far from it. I do not use shampoo, but just soap, but the meme's not for me.

My friend and I swap funny memes almost every day. I think mine are more mild, more PG than his, at least, at times they are. It's amazing that I can communicate via pictures to anyone in the world...anyone with a smartphone. Some days we trade pictures back and forth all day long. Other days, maybe only one or two will come along.

Or maybe tomorrow the air will be clean enough that we may venture out...I guess we'll see.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Look...A Horse!

 Last week I saw something out my window that, well...I had never seen before in a neighborhood in which I lived.

A horse and buggy leisurely passed by.

I saw a vehicle used for millennia as it first went up the hill. At first, I wasn't sure what it was--I had the blinds drawn. I sprang to my feet, threw up the blinds and snapped a quick picture as it almost escaped my view...the shot was not good enough for my "Pic Of The Day" have you, but interesting.

In our neighborhood anything that travels up the hill must come down, so I went back to work and waited--waited for the horse and buggy to travel down the hill. My patience paid off. This time I took a short video as it passed.

I'll bet seeing something like that was more common for my father as he grew up during the Great Depression in Montana and Idaho. He was born in 1924 and I don't know how many cars had made their way to that part of the world in that time, but I'm sure seeing someone behind the reigns of a one-horsepower vehicle was no big deal...certainly not worthy of a picture, or better yet, a blog post.

I've never seen a horse and buggy pass my house in the 55+ years I've been on this planet, and I may never see it again, but when I did see it last week, it was great.