
Friday, August 27, 2021

Many Hate Them...But I Think Pigeons Are Cool

 Back in the day, kids had hobbies. I am perhaps jaded by what I think young kids do today. I think they all sit in front of computers and play video games. I KNOW that's not right, and now that we live in a neighborhood with a lot of kids, I see them playing outside, running around, riding bikes, even setting up car washes for money.

Those are the kinds of things we did as kids. Without computer games and the internet (heck, even without VCRs...), entertaining ourselves was up to us. What was one thing I did as a kid?

We built a pigeon coop.

And raised pigeons.

Today, my family and I went to our local county fair and had a blast. I'll be blogging about the experience in days to come, but there was one exhibit I loved...the pigeons. It took me back to when not only me and my brother raised pigeons, but many other kids did as well. We had some beautiful birds, different types of pigeons--I've long forgotten the names of the breeds. I was hoping to see some of those amazing birds at the fair, but they were pretty average--beautiful, but average.

I know many people hate pigeons, and they have some good reasons to do so. Many transmit disease, they're scavengers, among other things. But, I really like them. I miss raising them and seeing them fly in the air above our house.

My wife asked me after checking out the birds if I'd like to build a coop and raise pigeons again. In one way, I'd love to, but in another, no. Maybe, it's something kids w/o internet and video games should do. 

But, I'm not saying never say never...

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