
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

When We Visited Bear Lake...We Ate At Cafe Sabor

 We drove into the valley in the morning. The tourist season ended when kids returned to school and the families returned home. The streets--jam-packed only weeks before--were nearly vacant of cars, trucks, bikes, or motorcycles.

But, we were there in our trusted Toyota minivan, driving up and down the main street enjoying the beautiful (though, smoky...) scenery and wonderful weather.

Then, as the clock ticked from morning to noon, we decided to get something to eat. But, where? We are unfamiliar with eating establishments on the western shore of Bear Lake. We drove north along Main Street and after a while the businesses ended and only beach homes and other properties remained, so we turned around and gave the eating establishments a second chance.

We chose Cafe Sabor.

I never knew it existed, but that's not unusual. I didn't know 99% of the businesses in Garden City existed. One place we did notice was a shake shack (or, a place that sold shakes and other things...) that was crowded with eager shake-eaters. Since we didn't know the reputation of that place either, we thought that must be a good place because so many people were there.

When we pulled up to Cafe Sabor it was almost empty so we did't know if it was a good place to eat or not. Sure, it was only a few minutes after 12 noon, but still. We went in, ordered, and the food was quickly delivered. As we ate, we noticed more and more people followed our example and chose Cafe Sabor as their restaurant of choice for that day.

The food--we liked it a lot. The atmosphere--again, liked it. It was a cozy place and the servers were fun and engaging. The other eaters confirmed it was good.

I didn't know until I wrote this post tonight that there are more than one Cafe Sabors out there, one even closer to us than Garden City. We're glad we picked that place to eat. If given the opportunity, we'll probably do it again.

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