Thursday, March 31, 2022

March 2022...The Month That Was

 March 2022...

It has been a month, a tough month, a month that in many ways, that seemed to drag on forever. No, it wasn't like March 2020. I think that was the longest (seeming...) month in existence, but it it was long.

In a macro-sense, lots of problems. There's a war in Europe, millions displaced, lives ruined. We are given updates, visuals of the destruction. None of it makes sense, or what they tell us about what's happening doesn't makes sense. Then there's the fact that due to the ruined reputation of the media, I have no way of knowing what is actually happening.

There's issues at home, too. Everything costs more than it once did. The same people with stories of the war scare us with dire predictions of what's to come due to inflation, supply chain issues, food shortages, and...oh yes, the possibility of a nuclear war.

Just a couple of things.

But, there's wars fought not on a world stage... of people dealing with inner struggles, personal battles, micro-wars. In many ways, they're just as dangerous and the big ones.

In a few hours, March, 2022 ends, forever to be placed in the "past" column. I remember so many people couldn't wait until April 2020 arrived. They soon learned as bad as things were, it could get worse. Then people wanted to badly for 2020 to be over, only to face the reality of 2021 and all that came with it.

I have no ideal what April 2022 will bring. If prayers were answered, the wars--both macro and micro--would end, costs of goods and services would lower, and food would magically be available for one and all. Unfortunately, life isn't like that. Still, I'm praying it'll be a better month...for everyone.


  1. "I've read the book and you come out on top" :]
    Love you guys!
