
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Yes...I Am An Expert On The Napoleon Fireplace Model B36NTRE

 Funny how a little bit of knowledge can make you an expert.

I'm kidding.

Watching a short YouTube video does not an expert make, but sometimes, you feel like an expert.

A few months ago, we had a bad storm blow through. We have a Napoleon Model B36NTRE gas fireplace in our house. We're not too familiar with gas's a first for us. We know that we turn on the fireplace by flipping a light switch on the wall. We wondered if the power went out, could we light it and at least have a heat source in the home. We were told it was possible.

So, being proactive, I thought I'd check out the fireplace. When I was done, we could not find the battery back-up (to start the fire without power...) and the fan blower stopped working.


Last week it got cold, possibly for the last time this season. We decided to start the fire one last time. I decided to once again "check it out." True to form, after I was done with the checking, now the pilot light was out and I didn't know how to turn it back on. 

That's easy, I thought. The internet will know.

Turns out, the internet was wrong. At least, what I could find was wrong. Every site I looked up was wrong. It had the wrong hardware and gave me instructions I could not do. I decided to do a specific internet search. I entered the exact model number and the search yielded one result...a YouTube video about how to install a fireplace. Since I wasn't having any luck, I thought I'd give it a shot. If you'd like to watch the video yourself, just click: HERE.

I'm glad I did. It showed me how to fix the fan and how to re-light the pilot light.

Of course, I'm not expert...I just felt like one for a little while.

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