
Sunday, June 5, 2022

Give Thanks...Tremonton's Summer Reading Kickoff Party


I missed it last year, and I vowed I would not make that mistake again. This time I contacted the library with enough time to put me on the author list. They even gave me a pirate name and a cool drinking glass.

The event--the Tremonton Library's Summer Reading Kickoff Party.

So glad I went.

The worst thing about missing last year was hearing how great it was from fellow authors who traveled some up to a hundred miles or more to attend. I, on the other hand, traveled about five miles to our town's library (built in 1929...). When I arrived I spotted a fellow author (and fellow Immortal Works author...) Steven Heumann, who brought his entire family, and I noticed an empty table next to him. 


I then noticed another writer friend, Ben Simmons and his dad setting up on the other side of the table.

Double score!

The evening was crisp and windy...a perfect night for the community to come out and support the library. The theme of the event--pirates. A few cosplayers added ambiance to the festivities. Lots of kids came around. They passed by my table when I told them I did not have a scavenger hunt clue to help them on their treasure hunt.

There were a few other authors I knew and many I did not. Many said that they don't necessarily come to this event to make a lot of sales. No, they come for the atmosphere, the people, the fun. I'm grateful to live in a community that still had a library run by workers who understand the importance of what they do. They didn't have to put in all the effort for the event, but the did and you can tell they not only love what they do, but the people they serve.

This was my first year at the Tremonton Library Summer Reading Kickoff Party. Hopefully, it won't be my last.

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