
Thursday, July 27, 2023

Socks With Sandals...The Struggle Is Real

 The debate rages on, generation after generation (not quite sure if that's true...). Should grown men wear socks with sandals? 

There's the obvious answer...NO. But, if that's so obvious, why are there so many men wearing socks with their sandals out there? That's a fair question. I've had my pair of Birkenstocks for at least 30 years. I bought them in Europe, I think, however, I could have gotten them here--either way, I know they were on sale because I would not pay full price. I'm thinking they were picked up when I was on a college choir tour back in 1992.

They've sat in various closets ever since.

I liked them, don't get me wrong, but I wasn't the biggest fan. The leather would stick to the top of my feet when the weather heated up, and you're only wearing sandals in the summer, so...a constant problem. About a week ago I saw the sandals so I tried them on. They felt good. They felt really good, so much so, I kept them on that day, and the next, and the next. They're a good "walking around the house" shoe. Plus, because of all the snow shoveling we did last winter, there are some shoes that I can no longer wear. The Birks are good to go.

I snapped a picture and posted it on social media. The response was, in a word, surprising. I got comment after comment, both pro socks w/sandals and against socks w/sandals. Just for fun, I posted another picture a few days later sans a lot of comments from that, too.

My personal preference is to wear the socks with the Birkenstocks. Since I'm mostly at home anyways, it won't be too shocking. Plus, for me, it's just more comfortable.

And, isn't that supposed to be more important than...well, other factors?

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