
Sunday, November 12, 2023

Give Thanks...That We Knew And Loved SamDean

 My son thought our four-year old rag doll cat was sleeping. When he checked a little while later and the cat had not moved, he realized something was wrong. He had passed. No warning, as far as we could tell...just there last night when we went to sleep, gone today.

We're blessed to have known him.

Not long ago, we were home to two dogs and two cats. Now, we're down to son's dog. Losing a pet leaves a void, a pain in your soul that takes time to heal, if it ever can. We rescued SamDean as a weeks-old kitten. We had no idea what type of cat he was, but we took a chance. He surprised us all the way he kept growing and growing until he tipped the scales around twenty pounds. 

He had the loudest purr, and the most brilliant eyes on a cat I've ever seen.

Because our dog never grew to accept him like we did, we kept them separated, which wasn't ideal, but it allowed us to keep him under our roof.

After we discovered him this morning, I did some research. Our best guess is a heart condition took him from us. It can strike with little or no warning. 

There's no proof, of course, but I feel animals understand things. I'd like to think SamDean knew we loved him, knew we gave him a home and food and shelter, knew he lived in a safe space. I also feel that we'll be reunited in the future. The love between our pets and ourselves feels other-worldly, something beyond the temporal, bordering the eternal. Our family is blessed to have known and loved SamDean. We're thankful we could be part of his life.

R.I.P., SamDean Winchester. You'll be truly missed.

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