
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Give Thanks...To Meet The Next Generation

 Today, the family gathered together and broke bread. Ever since our family has grown, it's one of the favorite things that my wife and I do. We are truly blessed.

Today, our grandson was entertaining us all and it reminded me of some photos we took almost thirty years ago when our first son was a baby. In the picture below, he's older than our grandson, but they do share at least one common trait...

They're both cute as the dickens.

I don't really know how cute "the dickens" is, but it must be awfully cute.

It made me think...not everyone is lucky enough to meet the next generation. 

I live in a culture where getting married and having kids used to be the goal. I know it was for me. My parents wanted kids so badly they adopted three, me being the middle child. It makes me sad that my father was unable to meet his grandkids. He passed away when the oldest of us was only ten years old. My mom met all of her grandchildren, but none of the great-grand children. Oh, my mom would have loved spending time with the amazing little personalities.

We never know how much time we have, which is one of the things that makes life both fascinating and at times, terrifying. I've been blessed to have seen all our children grow to adulthood and now watching them get married and have children of their own. I'm eternally thankful for that.

Hopefully, we'll gather soon for another weekend meal. We'll break bread, share stories, take pictures of the incredibly cute (the dickens-level cute...) grandson, and experience yet again the blessing of being able to meet the next generation.

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