
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

It's That Time Of Year Again...

 We live in a small town. We have two small grocery stores. It's funny how even in small town the mass marketing reaches us all.

Case in point, the good old pre-Super Bowl advertising.

I shouldn't have been, but I was a little surprised to see it in our little store.

Of course, the display was not massive, like I've seen in the big grocery stores where wall-size monster ads that built. They are, in all reality, works of art. They're impressive, they're eye-catching, and I'm assuming they're effective.

If they weren't they'd stop doing them, right...?

But, as my wife and I meandered through our smaller grocery store, I happened upon a display. As you can see, it's 3-D, and it's creative. I'm not necessarily a fan of the product--Coke Zero--but I'll look at the display to see how I feel about it. Like going to a museum and checking out paintings and photographs, I'm interested in how things look.

The big game is coming up. I have no idea who's going to be playing. This year I've been watching games again so there's a good chance I may watch the big game this year, something we've ignored for years. Perhaps my renewed interest in the game is why I took so much notice in the display in our store. It's possible. One thing I do know, the display won't make me pick up a case or two of Coke for the big game.

Maybe the displays aren't so effective after all.

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