
Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Tale Of Two Photos - One Allowed...One Not

 I notice the sign at our local grocery store. Yes, we live in a community where you can buy ammunition with your breakfast cereal and lasagna. The sign made me laugh for a couple of reasons. First, to show that our local store sells ammo, and when I went to post it for the Pic Of The Day, I noticed quotation marks around the words "DO NOT." 

Funny stuff.

Apparently, a certain social media site didn't think so.

I usually post my Pic Of The Day first, then I write my blog post. I then check to see if my picture generated any comments. I thought the ammo sign would attract comments, especially from my writer friends. Not only did no one comment on it, but the reason why is because the photo was removed from the social media site. 


"It looks like you tried to buy, sell (should have a comma here...) or exchange items that governments have restricted or banned."

Give me a freaking break.

After a few minutes, I decided I wanted that picture as my Pic Of The Day. A quick note--I posted that picture to five social media sites. Only one took issue. I took the photo and did some editing. I marked over the word ammo. Then, I fuzzed out all the boxes of ammo so a person couldn't tell what the store was selling. I posted the edited photo and waited...


They apparently did not have a problem with the second photo. 

Will the social media site have a problem if I post a picture of a woman in a bikini? I highly doubt it. Still, those in charge can do whatever they want. Interesting how they only ban thing they themselves feel should be banned.

I try not to be political on this blog. And I don't think this is a political issue...just a hypocritical one.

And if you didn't see the original photo, here it is:

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