
Monday, May 20, 2024

Hoping For Almonds This Year...

 A few years ago we planted several trees in our un-treed yard. Most were fruit trees, but we found an almond tree and bought it. 

Before we bought the almond tree, we did research to see if it would grow in our area. I do have some experience with almond trees. Growing up, there grew bitter almond trees on the mountain side. I have no idea if they are native to Utah so it's possible a human planted them, or maybe birds dropped seeds. However they got there, they grew.

Last year I saw one almond seed growing on the tree, but I lost track of it and it ended up falling from the tree or getting picked off--I don't know which. I do know, we harvested no almonds last year. Yesterday, I went outside and saw numerous almonds this spring.

Now, will they make it all the way to ripe?

Time will well.

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