
Friday, May 31, 2024

It's Like Having A Superpower...

 On this beautiful Utah Spring Afternoon, several of us gathered for a literary event at our local library looked into the sky. We saw an example of nature soaring overhead.

Personally, I thought it might be a golden eagle. It's hard to judge actual size when there's nothing to be used as comparison. I mean, it could be a golden eagle. A few around me seconded my opinion. We watched as the magnificent bird rode the air and circled above.

Then, it was gone.

A few minutes later, a writer friend arrived and set up his table. One thing about Ben, he's a birder. He knows birds. I told him of the bird that flew by and showed him a picture I snapped.

"What a beautiful red-tailed hawk," he said.

So, not an eagle.

It's like my friend has a superpower. 

Of course, when you break it down, it's all about knowledge. Ben knows a bird when he sees it, so when those of us who don't know such things find someone who does, that knowledge is impressive. That being said, I suppose most have their own superpower, knowledge they possess that others may not, and when you find someone who knows less than you about something, you're the superhero.

Today, it was birds, and Ben was that superhero.

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