
Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day...Remembering All Who Served

 For us, this Memorial Day weekend played out like many before it. We rested, we visited my parents's, my father-in-law's, and sister's graves at the Farmington Cemetery, we had a mini-family reunion, and we did yard work (not necessarily in that order...). Something that made the holiday different for me this year was finding my father's WWII B-17 crew information.

Something I've searched to find for years.

I've had a few photos, but to see the names, do internet searches, find out more about the men, they feel more real to me this year. I only wish I could have contacted them before they all passed away.

Such is life.

The day always makes me wish I had reached out to many who served in the military before they passed away. My father's brothers, for example. I've blogged many times about the fact that the Taylor's sent five sons to fight in WWII, and two more served after them in other wars. Thankfully, they all returned. Others were not so fortunate. The more I think about the family's sacrifice, the more impressed I am and the more honored that I can call them my uncles.

Too bad they--and millions of others who served--are gone.

I'm sensing a theme: wishing I could connect with those no longer here.

I suppose that's what the day is for...the holiday to remember, to appreciate, to hopefully learn by their actions, their sacrifice. We sometimes forget that the people who risked their lives for not only their families but for those they did not know including generations that have now been born. I know the world my children know would be vastly different had those brave people not stepped up when the call went out and changed everything.

Memorial honor those who served and appreciate the results of their decisions.

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