
Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Lengths To Which I Went...To Read My Friend's Words

 Several months ago a childhood friend let us know on social media that his latest story had been published. The subject...skiing. Having grown up in Utah, I learned to ski at a time when it was reasonably inexpensive to participate. I was excited to read his observations.

There are things you do as a child that were so much easier to do than when you become older than middle age. Skiing is a prime example. It was my intention to read the story when I got the chance. Turns out yesterday, I had that chance. 

I had a dentist appointment and as I waited in the aptly named waiting room, I was told they were running late. No problem--I had my friend's article to read. I was halfway through the first page when, VOILÁ--the dentist could see me now. No problem, when I'm done I'll just pick up the magazine, snap a few pictures, then read it when I got home.

The appointment went well. I went through the payment/rescheduling process, then I went to the waiting room to find the magazine.

A lady was reading it.

I paused. What to do? I could leave having only read a third of the story, or I could do what I did. I went up to the lady and asked if I could barrow the magazine for just a moment. She agreed. To be honest, she didn't appear all that interested in it. I think she chose it because it was the only non-golf magazine available.

I told her why I was interrupting her relaxed moment. I said my friend wrote a story in the magazine and I wanted to take a picture or two. She agreed and seemed impressed. I couldn't tell if she was impressed that I knew the author (or any author...), or that I was willing to interrupt her to take the pictures.

Great little story. I smiled--even laughed at my friend's musings. He nailed so much of what it's like to ski as an older person. If he weren't such an incredibly talented painter, I'd say he missed his calling as an author. Glad I found the article. Glad I was able to finish the story. Great job, Kerry!


  1. Hi Scott! I was just thinking about you and wondering if you're still able to keep up with daily blogging. It's incredible. And you always tell a story that stays interesting. Hope life is treating you well. Maybe I'll try resurrecting my blog.... someday! Haha. Hugs, Brady

    1. Hey Brady! Long time...You know, this old blog just keeps rolling along. Life is great. Haven't done a show in years, but that's okay. Loved doing them with the kids and the kids are on their own now. If you do resurrect your blog, do it for fun :) Thanks again for reaching out! Hope you're doing great as well.
