
Thursday, May 9, 2024

We Lost Another Classmate...Another Great Guy

I didn't see the news until the day of the funeral...another person from my graduating class--a graduating class turning forty years old this year--is no longer with us, no longer here. It's sobering when someone your age passes away.

I knew of Mike, popular kid, football star, big smile, chicks loved him...these are my high school memories of Mike. I'll bet we spoke at one time...we were classmates since jr high, a total of seven years. He may have known of me--I was good friends with his good friends. That's how it is in high school. Everyone knows everyone else, but you only know a few well.

Our class has held four reunions since we were last together in June, 1984. I attended three. We have one upcoming this fall. To prepare people have gathered on Facebook to offer suggestions, get news on the events, and keep in touch until we again meet. Someone remembered those who will not be attending, those who have passed away. It turned into a "did you hear that so-and-so also died" post where many contributed.

I added two names.

It was sobering remembering the two--one I knew since Kindergarten, as well as seeing the names of classmates I didn't know so well...realizing they will not be there when we meet.

The series of building add-ons where we gathered for school, where we ate in the cafeteria, studied in the rooms, were bullied in the halls, watched and participated in sporting events is gone. It was demolished and a new beautiful school now stands in its place. Like Mike and the others who have passed on, a new building cannot replace the original, cannot replicate walking in the main building built in 1914, or seeing us students in our Ocean Pacific shirts, Nike shoes, and Levis jeans as we passed each other in the halls while holding our Trapper Keepers and making sure on to step on the tiled D.

Reading Mike's obituary, I realized we lived similar lives, both in school and beyond. We both raised families close to the school we attended. We both attended college, we both worked and spent quality time with friends and family. I wish I had known him better. As I get old, I wish I had gotten to know more people when I had the chance. After all, it's the relationships you have with others that can bring such wonderful memories.

The reunion's in a few months. They'll be one less invitation to send...

Let's I hope that's all there'll be.

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