
Friday, June 7, 2024

Chronicling First Steps...Times Have Changed

 Grandson started walking this week. Our first two boys were early walkers, both began walking before they turned nine months old. So, as the little fellow got bigger and stronger, we suspected he'd follow (literally...) in his father's footsteps.

It took him a few weeks longer than his dad.

But, he did it.

Yesterday the family got together to celebrate a graduation, and afterward, we gathered for brownies in the parking lot. The rest of the family got to see the small (literally...) miracle of the baby walking on his own.

I remember back when our kids learned to walk. Back then--and it wasn't all that long ago--when babies learned to walk, it might generate a phone call, especially if it's the first child's accomplishment. Oh, we'd brag to our friends at church or whenever we got together. And that would be about it. Eventually, people would know about the child's first steps and life would go on.

Now, well...times have changed.

Now, you can with your phone record the entire event, pre and post. You can send it out to the world for all to see, sort of like what I'm doing right now. If social media were available when my kids were babies, I'm pretty sure I would at least blog about things--I'd blog about each child's first steps, their first words, their first everything.

Yes, our first grandchild is walking.

And now, everyone can know about it.

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