
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Give Thanks...Ties Of My Father

 It's not that my mom threw away all my father's things after he passed away...she just put them in the basement.

Including this tie.

My parents lived through the Great Depression. My mom was born a couple of years after it began, but my father...he became a teenager before it was over. They saved everything. My dad built a huge house, considering the time. I didn't realize just how big it was until later. But inside, half of it wasn't finished when he passed away, just unfinished rooms full of stuff.

Including a lot of ties.

The tie I wore to church today was my father's. I believe he worked as a park ranger at Mt Rushmore for a summer, at least, that's what I was told. That's where he picked up this incredible tie. I took it on my mission--my mission president hated it. Most of the ties I inherited are skinny ties from the 1960s. I wore some of them on my mission, too.

It's Father's Day. I can't remember giving my father anything for Father's Day. I'm sure I did--my mom would have made us make something for him. I just don't remember. The joke is buying your dad a tie for Father's Day. Now, fewer people than ever wear ties. I'm thankful my mom didn't throw them out those many years ago. I'm glad I can wear a tie, not given to me by my kids...

But, by my dad.

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