
Monday, June 24, 2024

I Have Faith...In The Fig

 Our daughter-in-law gave us a fig tree several months ago. We kept it inside until the weather warmed, then we'd put it outside during the day to get used to the new world in which it would soon be a part. Last week we planted it in the north end of our backyard.

Then, we worried.

Before we planted it, we wondered if it was not doing well, or in other words...dying. The big beautiful leaves started to brown. I'm no expert in trees generally, or fig trees specifically, but we hoped it would enjoy its new location in the yard.

We watered it everyday and waited.

A few days ago I thought I saw a green bump growing at the top of the fig. Turns out, it's a new leaf. I went out today and saw the leaf actually taking shape. Even though it's way early in the process, I'm thinking our little fig tree just might make it after all.

I have faith in the fig.

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