
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Still...Don't Know What I Did Wrong

 I've posted on Facebook every day...every single day...since January 2011. I posted many things before that, but I'm sure it wasn't a daily activity. I know I've posted everyday after that date because I've written a daily blog and posted it on Facebook since that time.

A few weeks ago I posted a picture of something sold in our local grocery store. It's not something you'd find in a grocery store in a big city. No, it had to do with guns and they things you put in guns. They pulled the picture and said the subject matter was at odds with their policy. I understood it--I didn't agree with it, but I understood it.

Earlier this month I wrote a blog post about several garage sales that took place in a small town to the north of us. It was a cool event. There were so many, we didn't hit them all and if you know us, you know there had to be a lot of them for us to get too tired to carry on. I blogged about it and they pulled it.

For the life of me, I still don't know what I did wrong.

The above picture shows what Facebook considers spam. In my opinion I did none of them. I can't even see how they misunderstood how my post--or what words--tripped their algorithm to have it pulled. Believe me, whatever it was, I'd try and change it so I could re-post it.

I thought about tweaking the post and re-submitting it, but it's not worth it. With two "slaps on the hand" I don't want to get a third. Who knows what happens then?

I've been pulled twice. One I understand. One I don't think I'll ever understand.

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