
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Writers Cantina Writing Conference...Another Success

Yesterday, the presentations were packed up, the posters taken down, good-byes were exchanged and promises to keep in touch were made.

The second-ever Writers Cantina writing conference came to an end.

Another amazing success.

Last year was an experiment--having no history, we didn't know if it would even work. Turns out, it did, so we scheduled another one, added another day, and waited for the months and weeks to pass until we could do it again. 

What I love about this conference is it has something for a writer at almost every level, just starting out, having a few things published, a seasoned writer, and the pro. A friend of mine who has produced double-digit novels wanted to sit in on a panel of a writer who can sell, and I mean...really sell. My friend wanted to learn from the master how to become better salesman.

Another thing I love is the cantina aspect, large spaces where creatives can gather, catch-up, swap stories, network, and make new friends--even hear a guitar lick or two. I pitched an anthology idea to a writer I highly respect and he's on board. 

We're scheduled for Writers Cantina, 3rd Edition for July, 2025. I can't wait. Thanks Nate. Thanks Jana. Thanks JC. And thank you to everyone who came, helped on panels, and made this year's edition another amazing success.

Check out the pictures of some of the great times.

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