
Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Weed Among The Roses...

 I pass our rose bushes almost every day. They're loving where we planted them, loving their little corner of our front yard. It wasn't until today that I saw it, sticking its head proudly above the blooming flowers...

A tall as me.

It's been there for months, hiding, We don't weed that section of the yard every day or even every week. The weeds don't flourish there, and when we spot them, we pull them. This one, however, it eluded us, evaded our detection all spring and summer, until it could no longer conceal itself as its growth forced it above everything else.'s not just weeds that hide among the roses. Evil people have been known to do the same. They blend in. Now, I'm not necessarily saying all weeds are evil (even though they are...). People with evil intent pretend to be something they're not, even telling us lies about themselves. Sometimes we believe them. However, there are always those who can detect lies and they try to point them out. Those unbelievers scoff and hiss and say the truth-teller is the liar.

A tale as old as time.

The weed is no more. Actually, it's been pulled and tossed in the bin. Since the roses are doing so well, I'm sure there are other weeds, other evil people hiding, waiting for their chance to continue blending in, infecting everything around it. A healthy environment makes them easier to hide. 

I'll continue walking by the roses every day. Maybe next time...

I'll take a closer look.

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