
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Jared Nathan Garrett's "The Seer"...A Book Review

 Do you believe in magic, and by magic, I mean...Biblical?

If you do or even if you don't, you will find plenty of magic in Jared Nathan Garrett's The Seer

We first meet Nathan Eckhoff on an archeological dig in Egypt where, after weather and construction destroys the site where the crew are working, Nathan comes into possession of an ancient artifact--a cloak belonging to Joseph of Egypt, the same Joseph sold into slavery by his brothers, the same Joesph who saved the kingdom after interpreting Pharaoh's dreams. 

Nathan leaves Africa and returns to his home in San Francisco. Only then does he not only realize he has the cloak, but also its former owner. Before he decides what should be done with the artifact, he finds out this is no ordinary garment. It possesses special powers, powers that not only keep Nathan from harm, but also puts him into dangerous situations including several assassination attempts.

The story is fast-paced, exciting, and full of unexpected twists with a conclusion that mingles intrigue, danger, and a dash of romance. The fun is trying to figure out--as does Nathan--just what powers the cloak has. Will Nathan figure it out as well? Will the baddies get to it before Nathan can escape? 

If you like stories with a touch of the supernatural (especially relating to a Biblical story...), check out Jared Nathan Garett's The Seer. You can access the Amazon page by clicking: HERE. A fun read.

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