
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Trying Something New...Now, To Figure Out How To Record It

 It always amazes me, the incredible technology that surrounds us. For example, we're thinking about an artistic project that would require filming and posting the videos online. It's in the beginning stages, but if we do this, we've got to figure out the best way to record those videos.

The best camera we have--as far as compact--is our phones. The problem is, we don't have unlimited memory and the phones are relatively heavy. I'm sort of a camera nut and I've collected several (inexpensive...) digital cameras over the years, mostly from yard sales...

No surprise, there.

So, I dug out the cameras to see if they would work. The results so far have been mixed. Actually, less good than bad. It's the equipment. Had we unlimited funds, we could fix the issues, and if this little project proves fruitful, we might invest in those delicious examples of technology. But, not now. We're not investing just yet.

It's also fun to think about "what might happen." All this technology can turn a "regular person" into a healthy contributor in the local and worldwide economy. That would be nice.

We'll continue experimenting, continue the trial and error needed before any success can come. 

I'll keep you posted.

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