
Friday, August 30, 2024

It's Amazing How Much Of Other People's Stuff Was In Our House...

 I'm the first to admit that I am a hoarder...not an extreme hoarder, but the matter of degree is open to interpretation. I guess it makes sense that my daughter has a lot of things currently in our house. That won't be the case soon, for all that boxed-up stuff will go from our house, to her house.

It's moving day for her.

Crazy, just how much stuff we accumulate. 

Growing up, my mom and dad had a lot of stuff. My mom told me that one of my dad's mottos was: "If one is good, two is better." As soon as I was old enough to understand my father's history, I understood completely why he felt this way. Both my parents grew up in the Great Depression. Almost no one in America today can understand what this means. We are so used to just getting everything we need. In fact, we're upset when we have to wait even a few days for things we want.

The more I learned about the Great Depression, the more I understood my parents and why they did what they did. I know part of that feeling of "needing" things just in case, I obtained from my parents. 

I should say that much of what belongs to my daughter is from their wedding and they had no place to put their things until now. They've lived in a small space until they were able to get an apartment or a house. They've been so patient and's quite remarkable. Now, they're finally able to have their stuff in their own home.

Another thing I should say is heaven help us if we had to move. All my daughter's and her husband's stuff can fit in one large(ish...) truck. All our stuff would take many many more.

I'm excited for them. It's a lot of work to move--it's because home is one of the most important places on earth.

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