
Thursday, August 22, 2024

My Little Fan And I...

 I saw the post on our community Facebook page. A neighbor had some basement flooding and they were asking for fans. Not much detail was given...important things like how bad was the damage, or if they had what they needed already were not included. My first instinct was to help, but then, I thought...

We have no fans.

Well, no fans that could do any real help, anyway.

I saw a second post soon after and decided I needed to go over. It was around 10pm, but when bad things happen, what time it is becomes irrelevant. On the way out, I grabbed the only fan we had...a small 10" floor fan. I drove the next street over and noticed the dozen or so cars parked every which way in the street and on the driveway.

Good. It was great to see others had answered the call, but it also helped confirm a thought I had earlier. They'd need big fans, big industrial-strength, water-eliminating fans. I picked up my tiny fan from the car and headed inside. 

Everyone was in the basement. I could hear the noise as I started down the stairs. From the amount of cars I expected a lot of people and as I rounded the corner at the bottom of the stairs, I was right. I didn't even bring in my little fan into the room...just left it sitting on the bottom stairs.

I wish I could have helped out more, but it did my heart good to see neighbors--many of whom I knew and many I did not--working together to do what they could. Large fans were in place and several wet/dry vacuums were humming along. 

I ended up leaving after a short time. I helped move some stuff, but then decided it would be best to make room for the others. I picked up my small fan on the way out.

I knew what they needed before I went over. I'm glad that others had the goods, even though I didn't.

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