
Monday, August 19, 2024

The Jokes Write Themselves...

 As I get older, the amount of junk mail I received has grown exponentially. It's not because I have more money to buy all the things they're pushing, but I suppose I'm part of an algorithm that says I should have all this cash lying around.

Plus, the older I get, the more I'm going to need...stuff.

Stuff to see better, to walk better, to do other things better...and to hear better. I got a flyer about a hearing device and they were looking for candidates to be an audible guinea pigs. Am I going to do it? Nope. My hearing is probably bad, and I could maybe get some help with it, but the damage from all those rock concerts from the 70s and 80s haven't seem to have left lasting effects.

I posted the above picture with a joke about my wife telling me I ought to volunteer. I cracked that she may have said it, but I didn't (or couldn't...) hear her anyway. Hence, the joke.

It's easy to find humor in getting older. They say that behind every joke, there's pain. 

I guess that's why it's so easy to find jokes in aging...there's a lot of pain involved.

I expect the amount of junk mail to increase the older I get. It's only natural. We all get older, and hopefully more financially viable so we're prime targets for this type of marketing. I guess I should feel blessed--I can still read the junk mail.

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