
Thursday, September 5, 2024

I Like Shoes, But...

 Last week my wife and I were in a local shop looking for things for my daughter's new place. We focused mostly on furniture, but I had to check out the shoes. This is a store that buys returned goods from Amazon, stuff that's never been used, and they sell it at a discount. I've found a couple of good pairs of shoes there, so I checked them out.

Then I saw, these.

I do like shoes, but not all shoes. I rarely wear dress shoes and I've got many pairs to cover those occasions. I thought about an event coming up where they might work. However, the fact they might not work was far bigger than them working. I sort of dismissed the idea of getting a pair, until I heard the shop's owner say...

"All shoes are 1/2 off tomorrow."

We explained that tomorrow we'd be loading up a truck and spending the entire day moving. We wouldn't be able to be there tomorrow. She then said, "You're good customers. If you want, I'll give you the 1/2 off right now."


They were only $14. I had that in cash in my pocket. 

I made a quick decision and picked them up. Turns out my instinct that they wouldn't work proved true. Still, I thought it was worth the risk. Now, I wonder if I'll ever wear them. Who knows? I might find a reason to put them on and walk about town.

The funniest part was when we told the store owner we were getting them, she said, "Good. Now my teenage son won't be able to buy them."


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