
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Man...I Love Thursdays!

 I suppose we all have our favorite days of the week. T.G.I.F. became famous for that very reason. Yes, I like Fridays, but I love Thursdays.

I've been one of the fortunate individuals who work four ten-hour shifts each week. Years ago, our inspired state governor at the time, Jon Huntsman, Jr., changed things up. He made almost all state employees work Monday through Thursday. Some hated it. I wished they'd done it decades earlier. 

Angry state legislators decided to overturn that wonderful decision and most returned to a regular five day, eight-hour per day work week. I got to keep my Mon-Thurs, and I've done it for almost twenty years.

Thursdays, for me, are wonderful. Even having to work for ten hours, those ten hours go quicker on Thursdays, phone calls aren't as annoying or hectic on Thursdays, investigating or clearing tasks go smoother on Thursdays. It's just the way it is.

Then, after the work day/work week comes to an end, I pick up dog crap from the backyard, empty the garbage from the house, and take the cans to the street for pick-up. After that, I can sit on the couch and enjoy the week that was and the weekend that is about to be.

Everyone has a favorite day, or days. Thursday's are mine.

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