
Saturday, September 14, 2024

What Sweet Joy...That Is A New Road

 When we moved to this little hamlet in the north almost four years ago, we bought in a new subdivision on the northwest part of town. The existing road, 1000 North (that's how they name streets around here...) that connected us to the world had been around for decades and it seemed to serve the community well.

Then, things change.

That change is more people...including us.

The city improved 1000 North up to a point, then it got narrower and full of potholes. The locals had put up with the crap road for years. Rumor had it that the city had plans to fix the road, but apparently, they had been saying that for a long time. Those living up here took the "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude.

Yesterday, I drove on the newly-paved, newly-completed road. It's beautiful! Wide as the open sky and not a pothole in sight. I admit, we've been spoiled since moving up here with new neighbors and new roads. Not everything was rosy. Teaching my two boys to drive on that road was scary. To avoid the potholes you either had to drive almost off the road in the weeds, or into the other lane--not too bad when no one else was coming toward you, but when they were...

Of course, there's a price of having nice things. Taxes are and will continue to go up. Maybe because the road is nicer, people will drive faster than they should and accidents might happen (I pray they don't...). Still, it's a new road just in time for winter.

What sweet joy it is.

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