Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Contest! Imagine That...


It's only taken me over a year, but I'm finally having a blog contest. And here's what you can win!


Yes, it's a Lagoon Cookie Jar. I do like it, but I think it needs a home where cookies are overflowing.


The scenes depicted on the jar are good, except for those of us living close to the amusement park, no longer are there fireworks ablaze on July 4ht and July 24th...bummer. 


I have to say that back in the day Lagoon used to allow children to play on that big ol' Mother Goose shoe. We climbed all over that sucker. No more...thanks lawyers! Yes the kids are safer now, but do they really have a richer life? I think not!

Here's the deal, just leave a comment on this blog about your favorite Lagoon memory (and try not to include anything not "kid friendly"). Include your e-mail address so I can contact you if you're the lucky winner of this truly unique cookie jar showing scenes of a place that means so much to so many people.


I will choose at random at winner on Wednesday, February 29th, Leap Year Day and announce the great news on the next blog post. And, depending on who gets it, we'll see how to get it to you.


Good luck! Happy contesting! And, as was the saying for many a year at the beloved amusement park, HAVE FUN!


  1. I loved Lagoon when we lived in Utah. I especially enjoyed their Fright Mares during Halloween. LOL! BTW - You won the Crater Lake:
    Battle for Wizard Island by Steve Westover. I'll send you an email with more details. Congrats!

  2. When I was a child we traveled to Lagoon from Sugar House in the SLC area. I remember seeing the large, white sign for a furniture company, Fadel's, and know that we were close to our destination. The sign is still there, partially covered by trees and houses and fences. I don't get excited to see it any more.But I remember that I really liked the fun house. We used a burlap sack to slip down the tall slide. The saucer that turned faster and faster and we held on tighter and tighter trying to be the last one on. But best of all were the spots where blasts of air shot up as you walked over to another spot for another bit of fun. Yes, I liked the blasts of air except the one time I wore a dress to Lagoon. That was an embarrasing visit to that special fun house.

  3. Ok, I'll play. My favorite time is when my brother and I collected all the left over 'Stake Lagoon Day' tickets from the bishop's office. Our parents couldn't afford 'extras' so we had just hit the mother load. Getting permission was the hardest part, but they couldn't argue with the price - Free admission and riding the Scrambler till we'd used every one of the tickets we had. We had a lot of tickets.
