Thursday, February 6, 2014

Apple Ear Buds, Shirt Pocket Photos, And Digital Cameras...

The other day I clicked on one of those "I'll Bet You Didn't Know That!" sites where they tell you all those little things you didn't know that are cool. I think they're also called "Cool Little Things You Didn't Know About" sites.

And on that cool site I learned that the volume controls on my Apple Ear Buds act as a shutter release for the iPhone camera. I've loved this feature because many times I'm listening to music or audiobooks while walking somewhere (or driving, but not really...) and I'll see something I want to capture. Trying to walk--or even just stand somewhere--and focus and then touch the face of the phone or click the volume controls on the phone can be tough. Using the ear buds is great!

So I snapped a picture of a cool truck while picking up lunch (we're wondering if they cater missionary non-farewell farewells...). I then put the camera in my shirt pocket and headed back to work and I was listening to another audiobook (a classic this time, The House of the Seven Gables...). I did not switch from the camera on my phone so every time I changed the volume as I went back to work, I snapped another picture from inside my shirt pocket. When I checked my photos of the day, I had a dozen pictures that looked like this:

So, learn something cool, then forget about that cool thing and end up with a bunch of useless pictures. I'm glad the camera's digital--these taken with film would have cost me $$ and made me a little mad. Then again, I don't think my Olympus OM-10 would fit in my shirt pocket...

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