Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The "The Legacy Of Laketown" Sign...

I've never stayed in Laketown, Utah--driven through it a couple of times in my life, but never stayed the night. Until now.

As far as a settlement goes, there's not much there. We're staying at an amazing lodge (I'll blog about it at a later date...) and next to the lodge there's a park. And on the east side of the park, just off Round Valley Drive there is a sign, a monument to the community of Laketown, Utah.

I snapped a picture, not knowing if all the little words would be legible. I hoped they would be because there was a lot of information on the sign and I thought it would be interesting. I didn't know until I downloaded it that I was happy to see that both of my hopes were realized. You can read all the little words and (I think, at least...) the information is interesting.

I knew that the area where we're staying was an active location for mountainmen and indian rendezvouses back in the day. The sign points out some of the history of the town as well as the names of notable families that have remained in the valley for decades, even over a century.

But the thing that I enjoyed most about the sign is the population statistics. In the 100 years, from 1896 to 1996, the population of Laketown increased by a grand total of nine people. The western states of the U.S. are (and have been for a while...) the fastest growing region of the country. But in a little town in Rich County, they've grown by less than one person every ten years. That's pretty cool!

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