
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Fauxthenic...A Fun New Podcast

It's been a while since I blogged about a podcast. I used to do it all the time. I guess I've gotten comfortable with the ones I've selected and have only latched on to a few new ones lately.

But when someone you know launches something new, you check it out. At least, that's what I did this week.

If you follow social media in Utah--especially if you're a Star Wars fan--you've probably heard of Bryan Young. I met him back in 2013 at the very first Salt Lake Comic Con. He and I were on a panel for filmmaking on a budget, I believe, and I was impressed with the guy. Not only had he written screenplays and made movies, he also wrote books and contributed to national publications and blogs. He was well accomplished then and even more so now. I was even more impressed when we ran into each other at the next convention he remembered me (and if he didn't, he pretended he did...).  We've chatted several times since. If you ever get a chance to hear him speak at a convention or otherwise, take advantage of it. He knows his stuff.

When I heard about the Fauxthentic History podcast, I quickly subscribed. Bryan, along with Holly Frey, co-host of the The Stuff You Missed in History podcast (another podcast to which I subscribe...), the two discussed the Battle of Hoth, the first battle in Star Wars: Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back. The podcast's "hook" is that the pair cover the event the same way commentators would describing a battle in WWII, for example. They give names of the participants and the consequences of their actions. They describe the scene as if it really took place. My guess is if you like learning about history and are a nerd, this podcast is for you. If it bothers you to hear about events that never occurred in real life but only in films or in literature, you might want to pass. However, Holly and Bryan speak as informed professionals on the subject, and they make it so fun, if you like history, you might want to give it a chance. It might surprise you.

Like I said, I was already impressed with the many talents of Bryan. But as it goes with talented people, they end up doing something that makes you admire them even more.

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